2 minute read
Mr. F. A. Johnson, Superintendent for The Mead Company at Los Angeles, has been,at home a week with a bad cold.
Whiting for about
Central Valley Lumbermens Club To Visit Redwoods
The Cen'tral Valley Lumbermens Club has definitely accepted the. invitation of the California Redwood Association to hold one of ,its summer meetings in the redwood region.
They have tentatively fixed the first week in: June as the date, and have decided to make tho trip by automobile, going first to Eureka and visiting Scotia on the return'trip.
We can ship you straight or mixed cars of the materials Iisted here. You can put many necessities in a sin$le car. We manufacture all this stock ourselves. You know tfie quality of ArkanraE hardwoods. Prices or information gladly furnished.
Albion Lumber Company Issue Net Price List
The Albion Lum'ber Company of San F'rancisco, redwood manufacturers with mills at Albion and Navarro, Cqlifornia, are distributing to the San Francisco trade a new NET FRICE LIST based on EX SHIP'S TACKLE, SAN FRANCISCO. The trade are finding the new price lis,t very convenient and elim,inates the use of discount sheets. A NET PRICE LIST for Los Angeles is now under preparation and will be ready for distribution within t few davs.
Hammatt Speaks To Retail Lumber
At the runcheon
" ,ili::f"?Ln's
crub or San Francisco, heldl at the Palace Hotel on April 2, R. F. H,ammatt Secretary-Manager o'f the California Redwood Ass,ociation, was the guest and principal speaker. Mr. Ham,matt gave an excellent talk on the red wood resources cyf the state and also spoke on the reforestation work now being carried on by fhe redwood operators on their cut-over lands. He d.iscussed the physical characteristics and properties of redwood and the applica,bility of these characteristics towards the various uses of lumber. He also explained in length the sales extension work that is now being carried 9n by the redwood association. Richard C. Jones, president of the club, who had iust returned from a two weeks' trip calling on the redwood mills in Humboldt County, gave an interesting talk on conditions at the mills.
Mr. E. A: Goodrich, manager of the Los Angeles offibes of the Union Lumber Comp.any, was in San Francisco for a few days last week, on business.
Bleecker Visits Portland Office
G. R. Bleecker, of San Francisco, Northern California representative of the Eagle Lumber Co. of Portland, Oregon, has left for the north on a business trip. He motored as far as Chico and will make ;the balance of the trip bv rail.- On his way north, he will stop at Grants Pass, Oregon to discuss business matters with A. B. David; who handles the company's pine business at this point. Mr. Bleecker will return from Portland about the middle of the month.
Portland Sets Record For Shipments In March
Twenty-seven coast wise steamers loaded a total of 15,- 4D,mO feet for California points duting the month of Uarch, according to figures compiled by the Portland Cham,ber of Commerce.
Marih is said to have been one of the biggest months in the history of this port and the totals fof March are far in excess of the figures set in 1972.
- _Miss Ethel M. Jansen, of San Francisco, daughter of Mrs. Catherine Jansen, and Mr. Joseph H. Lunnyl of San Francisco, werei married N{onday evening April 2 at the Church of the Sacred Heart, San Francisco. Immediately followi,ng the ceremony, the bridal party and about fi{ty guests were entertained at dinner at the Whitcomb Hotel. T/he bride is vvell known in San Francisco and is a graduate of the Notre Dame Academy at Alemeda. Mr. Lunny; for the past five years has been connected with the shipping department of Charles R. McCormick & Co. of San Fran-cisco. 'Ihe newlyweds, after a trip through the state, will make their home at Long Beach, California, Mr. Lunny was recently transferred to the San Pedro office of Charlei R. McCormick & Co. where he will assist in looking after the cargo shipments arriving at the company's nevi dock at Wilmington.