1 minute read
is a paying irutestment !
It takes but a small arnount of lumber for baseboards, mouldings, door and window casings and this can be in genuine hardwood at a small expense, adding very greatly to the beauty and lasting value of the home.
A room can be completely finished in the finest hardwoods, such as Mahogany, Koa, Quartered Oak, Walnut, Plain Oak or Gurn with built-in buffeg, bookcases, mantel or French doors, for only $50 to $200 over the cost of Pine.
This means a great deal to a good builder! Suggest it to your client.
A Pledge To You
is stenciled on the back of every piece of
Sell hardwood finish for tte new homcc in your territory and earn thir additional profit.
It is the trademark "EVERI-ASTING" put there ag a guarantee of CAREFUL MANUFACTURE and SCIENTIFIC KILN DRYING by the manufacturerg.