1 minute read
Oak Flooring
is absolutelv free of lorife marks. tts SUPERIOR machine wor* produces a polirhed frnish which reduces scraping and sanding to the very minimum. This makes SUPERIOR BRAI{D popular with contractors and f,oor layers.
"Take our delivery equipment, our drivers subject our machines to abuses which they would not do if they were driving their own machine. Occasionally from their thoughtless carelessness a machine runs out of oil and all bearings go out. A $25 to $150 repair b,ill is the result, an amount which is equivalent to one man's pay for anywhere from one to six weeks. Heavy trucks are driven with all on them they can stagger under. Someone pays the bill. Who is it?
"A mistake in the office in handling estimates caused one contractor to get his sheathing twice for the price of once. Away fl,ies $70.00, half a m,an's salary 'for a month thru one little act of carelessness. It happens oftener than we realize.
"Who pays the bill for these? The Company? Yes, in a way it does, ,but so do you. Everytime you ,1step ,over a board which is out of place, every time you 'are careless or thoughtless ,of the interests of the company you are turning your back on Miss Opportunity. The others can step over a piece of lumber, and the boss knows they do it. Prove you are worthy of promotion by doing the unexpected. Pick up that piece, stop thiat carelessness and above all let your head and heart work ,for the upbuild'ing of the company. You and the other employees can make