1 minute read
A salesman must The trip-hammer kq"p hammering away. salesman $ets the bacon.
this company the finest lumber organization in Southern California. One man cannot do it. It t,akes all of us pulling heart and soul together to make this company a sucCESS.
"YoLl malr ask yourself, 'Are there opportunities for advance.ment with the Hayward Lumber and Inv. Co. ?" One of our head men started with this company 3 years ago at $80.00 per month. Ainother man has doubled his pay in two years. We are l,ooking for men who can push up. The only ones we do push up are the ones doing what they
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturers of California White and Sugar Pine Lumber
Mills at Susanville and Hilt, Cal.
ISO'OOO,OOO Feet Annual Cepacity
B. rW. ADAMS, Mgr. Sales Dept.
First National Bank Bldg. - San Francisco are asked to do, better than those d.oing the same work and beter than expected of them.
"The lumber business is peculiar in that it is ,a low margin business. After adding the handling and overhead expenses there is but very little added for profit. This being the case inefficiency can so increase the handling and overhead expense that the profit is entirely wiped out There is no profit on a load .of lumber sent to the job on which 2x3's were sent out by mistake for Zx4's, then later the 2x3's returned and 2x4's sent out. There is no profit in the load on wh,ich 1100 ft. was sent out by mistake for 1000 ft. Carelessness and inefficiency are our worst enemies. Today one of our truck drivers took a chance. His smash up will cost the company over $100.0. The driver in one moment of carelessness cost the company as much as his month's pay and is the profits on all he could haul out in two or three days. You should realize that when the company prospers, we, its employees, prosper. Your future and mine are wrapped, up in the success of the company we are working for.
"The year 1923 from all indications will be better than any we have ever had. What we d,o with this golden opportunity is up to us. When we total up the recor.d of e,ach employee this next December, what is your score going to be ?"