2 minute read
You don't have to cross the street to keep from meeting the man whose home you built of Redwood.
It won't warp or crack, or rot in the weather. It will please him all his life and his Children after him.
Rcdrrood llilaker Petmanent Friendc.
Although the dates have not yet been permanently set, it has'been decided that the retail dealers of Californ,ia who have accepted the invitation of the California Redwood Association to visit the Redwood mills as guests of the Association, will make their trips in June.
The San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club will probably make the first trip early in -fune. The Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, The Central California Lumbermen's Club, and The Southern California Association are expected to send their delegations in June also, on dates still to be decided.
Only one Association group at a time will be entertained, and they will be shown all there is to see about Redwood production in Humbolt County.
W. P. Mclntyre, well known redwood split tie operator of Fortuna, Humboldt County, was a recent San Francisco nections. He reports that the split redwood operators are nectios. He reports that the split redwood operators are experiencing a brisk demand for ties but that the o.perators are having ihard time getting efficient labor for their woods operationi. Mr. MclnIyre Jays that the Redwood Split Products Association, that was organized a few months ago, is showing much activity and are meeting every week ai the association headquarters in the Carson Block at Eureka.
Upson Guest Of Redwood Association
At a special meeting of the California Redwood Association held on April 3 in the Tapestry Room of the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, Mr. Arthur lJpson, Chief, Section of Industrial Relations, U. S. Forest Products I-abratory, Madison, Wisconsin, was ,the guest of honor and principal speaker. Mr. Upson submitted two reports resulting from the investigations on Redwood being conducted by the Forest Products Labratorv {or the California Redwood Association. The meeting was presided over by J. M. Hotchkiss, president of the California Redwood Association. The next regular meeting of the association will be held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, on Mal 22.
Clark Whetstone, well known redlvood operator of Humboldt County, is now operating his redw'ood shingle mill at Shively, California. His mill is equipped with one machine and has a capacity of about 50 M per day. Mr. Whetstone has followed the shingle business in Humboldt County for many years and is well known among the lumbermen of the state.
Northern Redwood Lumber Company Resumes Operations
After being shut down for three months the Northern Red wood Lumber Companys mill resumed operations this week. They have completed some extensive improvements, and nolv have ,a capacity of 75,0C0 feet per day.
New Redwood Shingle Mill For Carlotta
Frank Dunn, well known redwood tie operator of Humboldt County, is arranging to build a new shingle mill at Carlotta, Caiifornia. The mill is to be equipped with two machines and will have a capacity of about lm M per day. At the present time Mr. Dunn is making split redwood ties and has several camps operating.
More construction and merchantable Redwood than in years.
Retailers are turning more to this wood because it gives permanent satisfaction to their trade and also because it gives them the best chance to make a satisfactory profit.