1 minute read
Housing Bill Amendments Satisfactory
A committee of three, representing The California Retail Lumbermen's Association, went to Sacramento re' cently to discuss with the legislators certain features of the new Housing Bill, which is entitled Senate Bill No. n. The committee was composed of C. W. Pinkerton, of Whittier, President of the Association, Fred E. Conner, of Sacramento, Vice President, and Mrs. Jessie Eggleston, Secretary.
They were given a most respectful hearing. It is plainly evident at Sacramento that the Legislature has not forgotten the way the people spoke through the ballot boxes last November concerning the last Housing Bill that was passed, and the lumber committee was treated with deference and courtesy, and their wishes attended to.
They suggested two amendments to the Housing Lawas ,it stood, and both these amendments were granted at once. They were as follows:
Section 61, Page 44, Line 52, add the following after the word "thereto."
All dimensions of lumber mentioned in this Act are substantiallv the dimensions thereof when manufactured
.from the log subject, 'however, to customary slight variations. It is understood that these dimensions when the lum'ber is used in a building rrnay be reduced by the processes of seasoning, of sizing and of planing, and tl,at the dimensions mentioned in this Act if so reduced by said processes to the customary commercial sizes thereof shall be nevertheless considered as fulfilling the requirements of this Act.
Section lO-strike out lines 47-52 inclusive on page eight and lines 1-5 on page nin'e and ,insert in lieu' thereof the following:
"Approved" means whatever material, appliance, appurtenance, or other matter meets the requirements and approval of the department charged with the enforcement of this act; provided, however, that should any material, appliance, apptlrtenance, or other matter, not meet the requirements and approval ot sard department then in that event any material, appliance, appurtenance, or other matters which conforms to the requirements of, and bears the approval of the "National Board of Fire lJnderwriters," or the "Ijnderwriters' Laboratories. Inc." shall be deemed approved. i