1 minute read
Blessed is the Dealer
Blessed is the dealer who lacks knowledge of his business for he has a lot to learn.
B.lessed is the dealer who does not advertise. for he has yet to find the way to business salvation.
Blessed is the dealer who is a community booster, for he is building from the f,oundation, and must have his reward.
Blessed is the dealer who fails to cater to the building needs of his trade, for he leaves so much fo,r the other fellow to gather in the harvest.
Blessed is the dea,ler who has nothing to offer his trade but a stock of building materials, for verily he will have little to do.
Blessed is the dealer who keeps a close watch on his competitor, for he will have little time to give to his own business.
Blessed is the dealer who "slows up" when times get dull, for times will always be dull with him.
Blessed is the dealer who runs his business "like father used to do," for he should halne a flag above his yard-at half mast.
Blessed is the dealer who runs his business in a m,odern and aggressive way, takes advantage of his opportunities, and has no competitor but his past recordJor he shall get the grapes.
Don't Rtsk Your Goodwill
There is no profit in selling roofing that will not give the maximum in service and satisfaction.
If you do-you're going to lose-not one customer, but a whole congregation. When a roof "goes bad," aside from the expense of re-roofing, there are often other evil consequenceshundreds of dollars damage to interior decorations, discolored ceilings, walls, and the cost of repairs.
Your ex-customer will talk about it till Doomsday
You don't want advertising of that sort. Don't run the risk, sell which is immune to rot and weather-lefinitely guaranteed to keep your customer's roof weather-tight for years.