1 minute read
Laminex-the only a erticdl grainbuilt'W f* door!
Not only does Laminexconstruction mean a perfected built-up door which will not shrink, suell or warp, but it means a door which is in constant demand for white enamel and hish-srade paint work. Laminex vertical (cloi) frain stiles and rails form a smooth base for enamel work.
Laminex all-flat or slash grain doors bring out the natural beauty of Douglas fir. No other soft wood takes stain and varnish in such beautiful effects.
Laminex tvpe of door construction is the result of long research and experience bv the larsest manufacturer oi doors in the wbrld. B! this process, we overame the common taults in doors, due to the tracheids or cells of wood as it grows in the tree, which cause shrinking, swelling and warping. In the Forest Products l-aboratories, University of Washington, stock Laminex doors weresubmitted to scientific tests. Nol a Laminer door warped!
National advertising is creating a l-aminex market for you. Consumer, contractor and architect are beins told Laminex facts. Leadins iobbers in dverv section distribdte our do6is. Investigate -Laminex. Get the selling-help plan which enables you to "cash in" on our national campaign.
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