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stlll reaterbeauty for your roof colors in slate, Richardson ves anew effeCt-opal
A rcof of rare new colodng-oPal-has bccn creeted byblctrding on one ahingle two of the most beautifu lRichatdsoncolora in slatg wcathercd brown and jade grecn.
No two of ttresc Richardson opal shin' qles are alike. And the toof which they iorm just as they come from the bundlc' hu r-coloring llke that of a aun'f,eckcd lahc reveslcd betwcen thc trecs.
Architectr, home ownen and builder arc all enthusiastic ovcr thc distinctive color of thirnewopalroof. Those urho have oecn it agrce that it is themost beautiful of thc colot combinatlonr rvellable in Richatdgon Multlcrome Roofc.
Tfu Richadson
Muhictomc Roof
In addition to opal, the Multicromc Roof is laid in other plcaslng color cfiectr.
The mre uteathseil brourn, an exclusive Richardeon colot in elate, har ptoved es. pecially popular when applied in com, bination with other Richardron rhinglee of ja& ge*:n, tile red,, or bbkpearl. lrl.fact' there ic a Multicrome Roof to harmonizc with evcry color echemc, and to please every customcr'g taste.
Thc newcolorr, opal andweathetcd b'ros'ni arc uged only on the Richardson SuperGiant Shingle -famous for its beauty and economy.
I?ith itr inner foundation of Richardson felt, for f,fty years recognized as the best; coated and saturated with Viskalt, the vscuum. processed waterproof ng, 99.87o g,lure bltumen, the Super-Giant' elsurcr you Lrsting bdauty for yout roof.
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Richardson Multicrome Roofe are equally practlcal for ncw or ovet,thc.old-