1 minute read
C. Stor,r'ell Smith is secretary-manager of the California White -and Sugar Pine Association w-hich is composed of ov_e_r fi_fty mills that makes up its membership. -
He has been associated with this large progressive lum'ber organization for over eight years. Pribr to his joining the association he was in charge of the office of products of the United States Forest Service with headquarters in San F'rancisco. He is a graduate of the School of Forestry of the University of Michigan.
He is an enthusiastic, practical and efficient lumberman and in addition to being a keen student of all matters pertaining to association work, he has devoted much time 1nd thought to their Lumber Inspection, Statistical, and Traffic Departments with results that have been very beneficial to the association's member mills.
His great hobby is golf and he has always taken an active part in the various lumbermen golf tournaments held in the Bay District. He has also been accused by his friends of -being and expert domino player. He makes his home in Berkeley, is married and has three fine children. He is a splendid citizen, takes an active part in civic affairs in theBayDistrict and is also an active participant in local Hoo-Hoo affairs.
He is a member of the Berkeley Country Club, and the Transportation and Commonweaith Clubi of San Franc1sco.