1 minute read
How Robinson Crusoe Advertised
Robinson Crusoe was wrecked on a lonely and desolate island. He wanted to get OFF that island. He wanted that fact to become known. It wasn't enough that his man Friday should know it; it wasn't going to do him any good for his pet goat and parrot, and the other nearby things on his own island to know that he wanted to get off. -The people to whom he wished to Communicate this desire of his were people who might pass nearby in ships, who were able to relieve him from his lonely position.
So what did Robinson Crusoe do?
He did what any wise man does who wants to reach other people-to communicate something to. those not in direct touch with him:-
Now right ofr the bat it might occur to you that he had about as little an advertising opportunity as any man you ever heard of. He HAD. But that didn't keep him from advertising
All he had in this world to advertise with, was an old SHIRT. Not much of an advertising. opportunityr we admit. Andhis prospective "customers" were very' very few.
But Robinson Crusoe was one of those guys who made the most of his opportunities. He took the old shirt, stuck it on a pole, and stuck the pole up on the highest point of his island.
He didn't stick it up there one day, and take it down the next. fle didn't say to himself : "Advertising may be all right for sorne folks, but it's no good for me." Hc didn't say: "f'[ stick the old shirt up today, and then take it down for a few days."
He just put the only ad he had up inthe best position he could find for it, and he kept it there all the time, day in and day out.
And finally he GOT RESULTS
Mr. Lumbcr Merchant-whenever you get to thinkirtg about advertising for YOUR business, wondering if it payq if it is worth while, if you can reach anyone' if your advertising possibilities are anygood-REMEMBER ROBINSON CRUSOE.