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State Association Offers Model Houses
In thebulletin of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association issued about the first of this month, special attention was called to an enclosed circular, offering retail lumber dealers a choice of four very clever Model Homes, made in miniature by an eastern company, and distributed by them through association offices.
The models, according to the literature, are substantially made of pine, and hardwoods, are painted, glazed and well crated for d,elivery. It also states that the use of these miniatures will create in th'e mind of a customer a desire to own his own home, and that they have built up a good business for dealers who have used th,em for window displays, etc.
Mr. A. B. Wastell, Manager of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, in this issue of the Bulletin, says, "The use of these Model Houses has proven profitable elservhere and believe that No. 4 model is suited to California. Ord'er direct or thru this office and if you would prefer a stucco model bungalow, to suit the popular trend, let us know by reference to a plan number of Floyd Derni,er's (Lumbermen's Service Association), service and will take up with the manufacturers for price."
Mr. Wastell also had the following to say to the members :
Clever Cartoon in Last State Assn.
District. The Manager alternates between the two districts in calling on th'e trade and furnishing personal service to members upon request, just as promptly as possible to fit inwith a general itinerary. Members get out of the Association in proportion as they ask and make use of its facilities for service. CALL UPON US ! Manv retail lumbermen are hesitating about joining the Associition at this time. Your recommendation would behelpful in covering convenlSouthern and with Northern CAR OR CARGO TRY OUR SERVICE Phone TUcker 1431
(Continued on Page 12)
Geo. B. Maxwell Phone TUcker 1431 W. W. Wilkinron MIIJS AT Winlock, Warh. Yacolt, Wash. Porthnd, Oregon Rainicr, Oregon Wendling, Oregon Acpgrovc, Oregon