1 minute read
Corxled Beef a]nd Cabbage
Corned beef and cabbage makes et yery Clear Redvood fnish is the cream p"f of good meal, the nade. But I think you'll give heed to my vords. The main dish of the meal for the dealers vho dealIs the"common" dnd "merchtt Redwood boards.
That is lihed by the wisest of men. Cream p"fr fo, dessert Will nobody hurt, Unless he eats three more than tm.
l[f'S THE RED$TOOD BOARDS and dimension that form the beans, Jl. pot"to"s, andgood old beef of the retail lumber business, for they offer the best aalue for the moneyand they're always in demand.
Take the No. 3 REDITOOD board for example. In the pile its no cream pufffor appearance, but it will surprise you to see how well it looks onthebarn or the brooder house. Ask the ranchers of the San Joaquin. They know-and so do the retail lumber yards. Then there is sheathing. Lx4 and k6 "merch" that fills the bifi and leaves a satisfied customer.
Shelves for the kitchen and the clothes closet are little things, but it is wonder{ul how much Lx6 to L2"extra merch" or "standard'-in REDWOOD, of coursesuch little things amount to in a couple of months' time.
The cream p,rffr ofthe tade? Clear REDWOOD finish, ofcourse. For baseboards,casing,panels and wainscotting nothing can be more appropriate. It adds distinction and beauty to every home.
Thisyears stocks mustbewatched ifyou would satisfy the customerwho asks:
Albion Lumber Company
Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co.
Glen Blair Redwood Co.
Flammond Lumber Company
J. R. Hanify Company
Hobbs, Wall & Company
Homes Eureka Lumber C,o.
Little River Redwood Crc.
Mendocino Lumber Co.
Northwestern Redwood Co.
The Pacific Lumber Co.
LJnion Lumber Company