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Efficient C a lifoynia Ret ail Salesmans hip
The following letter from Earl ffin,or#uad of The office in Mountain View. In each of these offices we Minton Company, of Mountain View, California, gives an excellent idea of how hard and directly they go after their business of selling BUILDINGS. Mr. Minton is one of the strongest believers in 'CREATING BUSINESS that we know of anywhere in the United States, and his whole organization works on the "go-getter" plan.
The 'fmemo" referred to in his letter reports the sale of all the lumber, millwork, nails, cement, brick, plastering materials, etc., for a $10,500 house, for which they also drew the entire plans and specifications, thus getting the business before it reached the stage of competition.
Mr. Minton's letter follows:
Mr. Jack Dionne, clo "California Lumber Merchant," Los Angeles, California.
Dear Mr. Dionne:
I was very much interested in your article on salesmanship in the last issue of the "California Lumber Merchant," and was especially interested in what you had to say in regard to the volume of sales having a very direct relationship to the number of prospects reached.
Our company maintains three offices: a sales ofiEce in San Jose, and a sales office in Palo Alto, and the main
We Offer
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Tclcphonc Gerficld 12!
Oldcrt E:clurivc Hrr.dwood Wholcrelcn ol thc Prcific Coart have what may be termed a "senior salesman" and a "junior salesman," whose duties are practically confined to the making of sales.
In our organization the making of sales includes drawing of plans and preparing estimates for our customers. Each one of our three offices is prepared to take a customer, who has a vague idea that he wants a home, and prepare a complete set of plans and specifications in case the customer cannot be satisfied with stock plans. Also each of these offices is competent to contract the job outright and build it in case it seems desirable to do so. It has been our observation during a period of 3everal years thatour salesmen have never had time to look for new customers, but have been kept working over.time handling the customers who come to them.
I am enclosing an office memo received this morning from our Mr. Hoyt, secretary of the company and who is our "senior salesman" in the Palo Alto office. He has under him a "junior salesman"'by the name of Brown, to whom he refers in this memo.
Wethink we have a very fine system of constructive salesmanship, and feel that the growth of our company is to a large extent limited by the number of properly trained
(Continued on Page 14)
Mr. Dwight Hinckley
(From the Ooklaul " Post-Enquiref')
Do You KnowOakland? Here Is a "'lllf'ho's ltlho" of Recent Business and Industrial Additions to the City's Life
The Jack-Thompson Lumber company, at Twenty-ninth avenue and Glasscock, is an industrial newcomer in Oakland.
R. E. Jack and C. G. Thompson are the partners who own and manage the big lumbdr yard on the estuary, and Mr. Thompson is an enthusiast about Oakland's water facilities.
"I've been all over China. where water is almost the only means of transportation, and I've been in other pa.rts of ihe world, but I haven't seen anything that has as big possibilities as the Oakland estuary,". he says.
(Continued from Page 13) salesmen who are qualified to handle this type of business.
We wish to thank you for the splendid articles that appear in your magazine from time to time, and feel that you are doing a great service.
With kindest personal regards, f am
Redwood Mill To Reopen
It is understood that plans are under way to reopen the Cazad,ero Lumber Company, a redwood mill, near Cazadero.
"The trouble is, the people here doh't realize that the estuary is one of the main sources of Oakland's commercial future. They don't know how important it is. If they did, they would take steps at once to have it dtedged and deepened so as to accommodate big steamers. I think this is Oakland's greatest need."
Mr. Thompion was formerly connected with the Robert Dollar lines and spent many years in the Orient.
Longview Secures Large Paper Mill
Construction work on the fir'st unit of a large paper mill, having a daily capacity of 30 tons, will be started at- L_ongview, -Wash., by the Pacific Straw Paper and Board Company as soon as tracks for the transportati_o1_of.building inatlrial to the manufacturing site can be laid. A l5-acre tract of land, having a fronta[e of 700 feet on the Cowlitz River, has been purchased in the central manufacturing district of Longview for the plant site.