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Long Bell Issues "Experiences in Home Building"
A beautiful example of constructive publicity has just been issued by the Long-Bell Lumber Company, in the form of an eighteen page booklet, entitled "Experiences in Home Building."
The book deals with the exoeriences'of various contractors and architects, in their use of Long-Bell trade-marked lumber, and hardwood flooring.
It contains copies of letters from these men, giving tables showing actual economies effected in labor and material, thrdugh the use of these materials.
The issue also contains a page on "Safeguards in the N{anufacture of Long-Bell Trade-Marked Lumber," setting out the following points:
-Each log is cut and manufactured for the purposes to which it is best adapted.
-Milled in our own mills, all operating with modern machinery under a uniform process and efficient supervision.
-IJnsurpassed accuracy and thoroughness at every step of manufacture.
-Surfaced (planed smooth) four sides.
-Unusual care in trimming.
-Full length-uniform in \ridth and thickness.
-Uniformity of grading.
-Uniionn seasoning.
-Lowcr grades receive the same care and attention as upper grades.
-C_orrectly piled and stored-carefully shipped.
-Minimum of carpenter labor-planilg, sawing and sort- ing-11."."""ty to put into construction.
-Minimum of waste, due to uniform quality.
-The product of a lumber company ?orty--11i11" years in the business.
-Long-Bell lumber can be identified by the Long-Bell trade-mark on the end of the piece.
This very interesting piece of literature is being distributed from .the company's Kansas City office, under the direction ofMr. Paul E. Kendall, who-acts as the Advertising Manager.
AmericanHardwood Company Incorporates l/
The American Hardwood -Company, large. Los Angeles wood g'ame, in Los Angeles for a number ofyears. Mr. lrardwood wholesalers, has filed articles_-o-f _in-corporation, E. E. Taenzer, the foun'der of the business, ij the active showing their paid up capital stock as $500,000.00. h'ead of the business, with his oldest son, R. L. as an able assistant.
The officers of the company will be : E. E. Taenzer, president; R. L. Taenzer, vice-president; C. R. Taenzer, secretary; E. M. Taenzer, treasurer.
This concern has been engaged in the wholesale hard-
Their plant is located on East 15th Street, and they carry a large stock of all domestic and foreign hardwoods, besides handling a complete line of California white and sugar pine, and spruce.