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Satisfacti,on and Profit in Handling West Coast Species of Tacoma Manufacture
f N yard stock, as in other items,Tacoma,Washington, "The Lumber I Capital of America," offers a dependable, unlimited source of quality supply, with shipping facilities, either water or rail, that are not surpassed anywhere.
West Coast species lend themselves to the manufacture of yarC stock of the very highest quality and Tacoma not only has near at hand abundant supplies of the necessary timber, but alsohas the mills and the men with the equipment andthe experience needed to get the most out of the good timber.
The great stands of the finest of Douglas Fir in the Tacoma District afford some of the best long dimension in the world.
Vertical grain Douglas Fir flooring is growing each year in popularity because of its excellence and West Coast Hemlock flooring, cut vertical grain, is, in some markets, equalling even the popularity of Fir. Tacoma mills produce great quantities of the very best of both of these woods.
The beautiful watered silk natural pattern of slash-grain Douglas Fir interior fin- ish is enhanced by varnish or stain and has no equal among soft woods. The high standards of manufacture adhered to by the Tacoma mills plus careful grading renders Tacoma a particularly good source of supply for this item.
Let us send you, free of cost, a six+ypage book and directory handsomely illustrated which describes Tacoma's facilities and capabilities. It contains valuable and interesting information for every dealer in and user of lumber and lumber products.
To haae your in4uiries reach dI of the lumber manufacturing interests of Tacoma and' Tacotna District, utrite or wire