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A. E. Case Visits California
Mr. A. E. Case, of the Case Lumber and Shingle Company, Raymond, Washington, left Los Angeles the early part of this month, returning to Raymond after a ten day pleasure and business trip through the southern part of the state.
While in Los Angeles, Mr. Case made his headquarters at the offices of the Hart-Wood Lumber Company, and was shown the sights by their local manager, Mr. Ted Lawrence.
The Case Lumber & Shingle Company is on,e of the largest producers of red cedar shingles in the northwest. They are at the present time operating five mills in Washington, and are turning out a million shingles, of various grades, per day.
This company makes a specialty in the California market,
of a Special Star, 6 to 2, branded "Peerless" and "Premium." The Premium brand is a kiln dried product and is shipped into this market exclusively by rail. They have been making this particular brand for about fifteen years, and have made it tremendously popular.
The "Peerless" is a higher grade Star, shipped green, and is manufactured especially for the California trade. This shingle is distributed exclusively in California by the HartWood Lumber Company, through their San Francisco and Los Angeles offices.
They of course are making enormous quantities of higher grades, 5 to 2, 5 to 2% and 4 to 2. Mr. Case stated that in the last two years his company has shipped in excess of one hundred million five to tr,vo shingles, to the Atlantic Coast.
/The Hollenbeck-Bush Planing Mill Co.. of Fresno, reI lently installed two dry kiln units of the Moore Moist Air
I/type. Mr. Hollenbeck plans to dry all lumber as soon as reieived, and expects to eliminate fheir air seasoning yard. This progressive San Joaquin Valley mill is specializing in high grade interior finish and millwork, and uses in their factory southern hardwoods, Philippine mahogany and Port Orford cedar in addition to Oregon pine. They are supplying themillwork for the new Senator Hotel, the Wemstock-Lubin Co. building, the California State Life
Insurance building, and the State capitol buildings at Sacramento, and have just completed the millwork on the twelve storlr Hurlington Apartments at San Francisco.
Dernier In Texas
Floyd A. Dernier, of the Lumbermen's Service Association, Los Angeles, attended the annual of the Texas Association, held at El Paso on April 8-10.
He journeyed from there to llouston, Dallas, Little Rock and back to Los Angeles, by way of Kansas City.
'We wish to announce to the retail trade of California that we are in position to quote on parcole