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Bay District Initiate Sixteen Kittens
There was a large attendance at the Bay District HooHoo Concatenation held at the rooms of the San Francisco Commercial Club on Friday evening, April 4. There was an excellent dinner served and a fine entertainment was provided for by a.group of professional entertainers.
Bob Gehring of the Hart-Wood Lumber Co. and his Lumber-Jack orchestra furnished some excell ent iaz_z music duringthe dinner hour. A. J. McWatters of Chas. R. McCormick & Co. and Allan Turner rendered several excellent baritone solos while Bob Gehring and Ed. Nelson entertained the gathering in fine shape with their Rajah act.
Charles Bird of Stockton announced that the Sacramento Valley Hoo-Hoo were planning to hold a concat among the Calaveras Big Trees sometime during May and xrges all Hoo-Hoo members to attend this affair. Bill Donovan, of the Donovan Lumber Co.,'Aberdeen, Washington, who had the distinction of being the Hoo-Hoo member the fartherest away from home also made a short talk. After
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J. A. Ganahl, Gen. Mgr.
Beacon 5493 Lor Angeler the initiation Junior Hoo-Hoo Milton Hendricksott - Pqt the Kittens thr6ugh some of his latest athletic stunts which ofiered considerable enjoyment for the Cats. Rod Hendrickson presided at the piano during the Initiation. A. B. Wastellf vicegerent snark, togethei with the following: Bert Neylan, Senior Hoo-Hoo; Milton Hendrickson, Junior Hoo-Hoo; J. Walter Kelly, Bojum; Fred llamlin, Arcanoper; C. W. Miller, Scrivenoter; R. F. Hammatt, Custocatian; Allan Turner, Gurdon; and Bob Grant Jabberwock were in charge of the initiation. The entertainment was in charge of John C. McCabe and J. E. Martin.
The following Kittens were initiated:
O. R. Dye-ealifornia& Oregon Lumber Co.-Oakland.
H.J.Lingdon-sunnyvale T umber Co-.-Sunnyvale.
F. C.Newton-Valley Lumber Co.-Crockett.
R. J. 1\{ullin-Dolan Wrecking &. Construction Co.-San Francisco.
R. H. Carter-Van Arsdale-I{arris Lttmber Co.-San Francisco.
C. W. Watts-J. H. Higgins Co.-San Francisco.
R. G. McDonald-Little River Redwood Co.-San Francisco.
J. A. Stroud, Jr.-E. J. Dodge Co.-San Francisco.
(Continued on Page 32)