2 minute read
I have opened an office at No. | 3 Sepulveda Building, San Pedro, under the management of C. G. Limecooly. This connelting link in our now complete chain of service makes it possible to follow every shipment right up to your yard. Our interest in your orders does not cease until you receive the stock, unload it and find it satisfactory in every respect.
You will receitt€ this cord as soon as stock has been load.cd.
(Continued from Page 29)
Ernest Hastie-Boulevard Lumber Co.-Oakland.
E..dward P. Ivory-California White & Sugar Pine Assocratron-san tlranclsco.
.Paul Schmidt-San, Bruno Lbr. & Supply Co.-San Brrrno.
Gus Dieckmann-Dieckmann Hardwood Co.-San Francisco.
John Chapman-Hogan Lbr. & Mill Co.-Oakland.
Peter White-White Bros.-San Francisco.
Bert M; Smith-Red River Lumber Co.-Westwood.
Paul M. P. Merner-Merner Lumber Co.-Palo Alto. Reinstatements

R. F. Tabor-Iones Hardwood Co.-San Francisco.
Charles Hamrirond-W. A. Hammond Lbr. Co.-San Francisco.
R. C. Porter-San Francisco.
cLuB NO. e
At the March 27 luncheon of Hoo-Hoo Club No. t held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, the speaker of the day was Lieut. Governor C. C. Young o{ Berkeley who gave an interesting and instructive address on "Raising the State Revenue and the Expenditure of the same for darry- ing on the State Government." He explained in detail the unique tax system in the State of California in which the citizens pay taxes based.on advalorum values for local purposes only while the state taxes are derived entirely from the Public Service Corporations. He spoke of the reductions that were made in .the appropriations by the present administration and which effected such departments as Education, Board of Health, Public Serviee Commission, Industrial Accident Commission, Housing Commission; State Library, National Guard, and Boardbf For- estry.. He said that these reductions were vital blows at that human side of whiph California had accomplished so much and in most cases had crippled these instilutions to such an extent that they were not able to function properly and efficientlv.
_ J; I!_IUcC'atlum was the chairman of the day. President R. A. Hiscox preSided over the busin,ess sesiion. Bruce Lemon, of Forsythe & Co., was the winner of the Attendance Prize vghich consisted of a box of Mint Golf Balls. A. B. Wastell was award'ed a beautiful box of candy for the distinction of having the largest number of chiliren; he is the father of four fine childien. J. E. Edwards sang scveral excellent solos accompanied by Bob Gehring oi the piano.
The next club meeting will be held on April 10, with Professor Emmanuel Fritz of the University bf California as chairman of the day and Edward P. Ivory as the speaker who will talk on Lumber Standardization.
Editor Honored By Association
Phil B. Hart, managing Editor of "The California Lurtrber Merchant," was honored recently by being elected to serve as secretary-treasurer of the Los Angeles SalesManagers Association, for the fiscal year 192+25.
This association is a group of sales executives from different lines of business, with abiiut one hundred and fifty members. They meet semi-monthly, having an evening dinner and an instructive and educational program, dealing generally u'ith sales problems, and the ethics of busin'ess.
The lumber industry is well represented in the body, the sales managers of the Hammond Lumber Co., Woodhead Lumber Co., Owens-Parks Lumber Co., and the Fred Golding Lumber Company, all of Los Angeles, being active members,
Catholic school erectcd h 1870 now bekg dktnantled for its sound Rcilwood ltmber.
ETIFTY-THREE' yeare ago Fathcr Henneberry l- built this Catholic achool for boya at Alton, California. It is now being' torr. down for the Redwood lumber it containg.