3 minute read
J ack Dionne S ays
Blessed is the Dealer
Blessed is the dealer who lacka knowledge of his business for he has a lot to learn.
Blessed is the dealer who does not advertise, for he has yet to 6nd the way to business salvation.
Blegeed is the dealer who fails to cater to the building needs of his trade, for he leaveg eo much for the other fdlow to gather in the harvest.
Blessed is the dealer who has.nothing to offer hie trade buta stock of building materials, forverily he will have little to do.
Blessed is the dealer who keeps a close watch on his competitor, for he will have little time to give to his own business.
Blessed is the dealer who "slows up" when times get dull, for times will always be dull with him.
'Blessed is the dealer who runs his business "like father used to do," for he should have a flag above his yard-a1 half mast.
Blessed is the dealer who is a community booster, for he is building from the foundation, and must have his reward.
Blessed is the dealer who runs his business in a modern and aggressive way, takes advantage of his opportunities, and has no competitor but his past ysqeld-fq1 he shall get the grapes.
P.S.-Blessed also is the dealer who transformg his place of business from a secondary consideration into an information bureau on Home Building, for he will attract and create profitable non-competitive business instead of figuring bills, allowing some one else to dictate his selling prices.
Otto Frese Talks on Lo'gging in the Amazon
Otto Frese, of San Francisco, who has returned to Cali-
Peru and Brazil, also he talked on laboring conditions in Peru where he stated that in the localitv where he was located that men could be hired at from .40c to .60c a day and that they could feed a family of ten for approximately .30c a day. While in Peru, Mr. Frese said that he was located at Iquitos where they had their mill operations, which is about 21800 miles from'the mouth of the Amazon, and that practically all their shipments were made to the west coasf of South America, England, and other European countries.
While in South America, he was acting as the manager of the operations of the American Peruvian Commercial Co., of- which A.A. Baxter of San Francisco is president. Prior to his departure for Peru, Mr. Frese was associated with the Union Lumber Co. of San Francisco. He says that he is surely glad to get back to California, and is now associated with Harry Thomson, the well known San Francisco retailer.
fornia after spending the past two y""r" in F-* g"ln" "r, rr- r rr rr^r*^- TRIP interesting talk to ite Lir-Uer Saiesmen;" Ctob-of San M"'J'H' Holmes, president of the Holmes-Eureka LumFrancisco-on the L-og;"g .f C"a"i ""J nt"n"g"!y ttl ih; ber Co', San Francisco' accompanied by Mrs' Holmes have ^t;16;; ;ir"'A;;.n at their regular ;;killir";heon left for an extended trip that r'r'ill carrv them to the Atheld at the palace il;.i;'6rl-V.---- """'r. lantic coast. They are making the trip.by automobile.and
Mr. Frese said that practically all the logging opera- will go east via the southern route which will carry tlt*' tions in that countrfir|;;;f i"*a"ii"s the dry season to Los Angeles, El Paso, Grand canyon, Houston, New that covers the period between June and-S"pi"*L,e.i""ro- orleans. They will also visit washington, Philadelphia, sive, that the logging crew geq€rally conJsds of five men, frlew York, Boston, and other New England points' They and that the seidbnJ cut generally ,uns'1'r"o;"200:;;-5dt TpntemRlate returnins west o'er the northern route. logs. At the conclusion of thecutting s.e?sgn' the- log- f ging manager makes a large raft upon yliih h; n+:. ett /
YARD k,?jgiim.'xf*lTsJ:;i*'&1i$;[',:t;t';#iH#.ilgt***l
;dJ.jg-fi;?he tilr.t to-dispose of his logs. Upon his ar-t ttammond Lumber Lompany's riynes yarq ror some rtme' rivalat the mill, he always sells his p.fton"i'belongings has purchased the yard, and will operate as the Lindsay before he makes;"y .fi;;; *iittt. t6st. Mr' Frese"alio Lumber Company' gaveaninterestingtalkonthecustomsofthepeopleof
K. lVood Lumber Co.

N. W. Bank Bldg.
Portland, Orc.
We Specialize in Gnys Harbor OID GROIVTH YETLOW FIR Finish and Verticd Grain Flooring.
If you like cxtra good qualitv Rcd Ccdar Shinglee we canfurDish tlrem.
IN th€ ffneet quality of Dlanos, vlollnB, c6llos, r t:ultars, manalollns a,nd other strlneied lnrtruments-the rounallngi boarils ar€ alweyr SPRUCX!! Ilere a,r€ tho roasons: Spruce ls stralg:ht graln€aleven gralned. Epruce tak€s a flnlsh that endurgs for centurlos.
Graham Tsland Sitka Spruce
The qualltles whlch make spruce the Belecteal wood for sounallngi boards of muslcal lnstrumonta-alao make thls rrood, admlrably edapteal for lnterlor flnlsh and for coastructlon work of all klndr. Our extenslve holdlngs of Vlr8:ln Timber at Graham Islanal and our complete lumber manufacturIngi plant at Los Aneieles llarbor enable us to sup- ply ffrst graalo lumber ln large and constant volume.