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Arthur Edgecumbe a California Visitor
Arthur Edgecumbe, of thewell known firm of Edgecumbe-Newham Co. of Vancouver, B. C., was a recent visitor in San Francisco where he spent a few days looking over conditions in the Bay District. The EdgecumbeNewham Co. are the manufacturers of the famous "Edham Colored Shingles" and "Thatched Roof Shingles," and together with their large production of natural shingles have a capacity of one million shingles a day.
Mr. Edgecumbe is a real live wire and one of the most progressive merchandizers of shingles in the Northwest, and their products are known as "The Nationally Advertised Roof and Side-Wall Covering." The EdgecumbeNewham Co. maintain an active Service Department which offers co-operation to the architects, contractors, dealers, and the home builders. Among the attractive pamphlets s€nt out to the dealers is their Dealer Advertising Booklet with proof sheet enclosed and which shows ten attractive illustrated cuts with space for the local dealer to use in his local advertising. These cuts are furnished the lumber dealers on request. Their Service Department also includes other interesting and instructive booklets such as: "The 50 Year Roof," "Architects' Service Sheets," "Edham Colored Shingles and Zinclad Nails," "Grading and Packing Rules," and "Dealer Price Lists."
Mr. Edgecumbe is very enthusiastic over their Dealer Service Department and is a strong advocate of the shingle manufacturers advertising their products. He states that "ln 1924 the High Cost of Not Advertising will not be Lower." The Edgecumbe-Newham Co. are the largest manufacturers of stained shingles in the United States and Canada and they maintain lir"e offices along the Atlantic Coast in this country and also an eastern office at Toronto. Canada. They have-eastern warehouses at Rochester, New York, Springfield, Masachusetts, and Toronto, Canada.
Mr. Edgecumbe says that they manufacture a strictly vertical grain shingle which he maintains is the best thing that could happen for the perpetuation of the shingle industry. He says thatthey are manufacturing a large volume of stained shingles at the present time and that the shingle industry in British Colurnbia is in very good condition. Mr. Edgecumbe planned to stop a few days at Los Angeles and then proceed to the Retail Lumbermen's Convention at El Paso, Texas. From there he will continue east calling on his connections in the Mississippi Valley and the Atlantic Coast.
Mr. Edgecumbe was accompanied on his trip by Mrs. Edgecumbe and while they were in the Bay District they were the guests of A. J. Russell of the Santa Fe Lumber Co.