1 minute read
A Valuable Reference Book
The 1924 Edition of 'Abbey's Register of The Western Lumber Industry has just been issued.
It is avery complete and co-mpr'ehensive book of 327 pages, covering every branch of the logging and lumber industry, not only in the big lumber producing states of Washington and Oregon, but the entire west, including British Columbia and Alaska.
It is notonly a register of operations, but Personnel, Machinery, and Equipment also. In the mill sections there are listed 2417 saw mills, 1335 planing mills and 517 shingle mills.
Information given covers capacity and type of head saw, planer, resaw trimmers, edger resaw, dry kilns, lath, box shooks, kind of power, general stores, hotels, species of lumber sawed, etc.
Section three covers forest activities, there will be found 1052 logging operations. Information includes: daily output, miles of logging railroad, locomotives, donkey engines, sides, high leads, motor trucks, tractors, mess, commissafles, etc.
Allied industries covered are: box shooks, sash and doors, frames, veneer, cooperage, pulp and paper and furniture.
P. L. Abbey, manager of The Industrial Service Company, who published tl-re book, was formerly executivesecretary of The Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen, a northwestern organization of employers and employees, which had a membership of 30,000 employees and 400 operating employers .under his management.