1 minute read
Don't Build Just For Today!
The wise dealer selects the product which builds for him the most lasting Eucceaa. You know this to be a fact. Therefore you can't afford to handle and sell anything but the roofing which invariably delivers the utmost gervice no matter what the weatter conditionr may be.
The honest cuper guality of Wcavcr Roofing is the answer. We think enough of our product to stakc our reputation on it. You can rtake your reputation on Weaver Roofing-and build thc most permanent aucceEE not only for today' but for tomorrow and for all thc ottcr tomorrows to comel
WEAVER ROOF COMPAI{Y, . Manufacturerc
Sylvester L. Weaver
Tctqrhonc Bdry. 07tl - Lor Angclcc, Crlif. 2+{-( Er|ttth Strqrt