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Vagabond Editorials
The Lumber and Allied Products Institute of Southern California at its recent meeting in Los Angeles advocated a constructive merchandising step when Group Advertising and Trade Promotion received the hearty endorsement of its membership. It is evident that the dealers of Southern California are going to make it their business to see that every home builder and user of building matet'ials knows something of the better things about their products. Billboards, newspaper and radio publicity has been recommended.
It shows that the distribution of tourists' e<penditures in this area amounts to 17.4 per cent of the total amusement sales; 9 per cent of the automobiles and accessories; 10.5 per cent of the drugs; 10.8 per cent of clothing;9.8 per cent of food products; 15 per cent of gasoline and oil;30 per cent of hotels; 8 per cent of laundry; 8.7 per cent of professional and personal services; 9.9 per cent public utilities; 16.5 of rentals; 20.8 per cent of restaurants; and 6 per cent miscellaneous.
The sum of $3,249,093 is now authorized for the construction and maintenance of highways and minor roads and trails in the national forests of the California Region, to be available for the fiscal year ending June 30, L932, according to a dispatch fiom Washington to the U. S. Forest Service, San Francisco. Regional Forester Show states that this is an increase of $1,551,593 over the present year's allotments. Of this total approximately $600,000 will be spent in California for unemployment relief. Highways, roads and trails through the Natibnal Forests are a wonderful asset for the preservation of our timber resources, as they make these vast ar€as more easily accessible to fight the destructive forces of our forests, especially fires. ***
The National Lumber Manufacturers Association has addressed a letter to Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Lowman calling official attention to the expose on March 31 of the fact that Russian ceqsors have completely changed as well as suppressed statements in news dispatches written for the Chicago Tribune from Archangel by its Moscow correspondent, Henry Wales, after he was ofEcially promised a free hand. The Russian "doctoring" of the dispatches thus becomes a part of the record that will be used in fighting the right of entry of a shipment of lumber expected to arrive in the near future at an Atlantic port to test recent Treasury findings barring convict-made lumber from Northern Russia.
A survey completed by a noted economic service for the All-Year Club, Southern C4lifornia's national tourist advertising organization, shows that out-of-town tourists are responsible for 11.7 per cent of the total retail sales in the 10 southern counties of the state. The survey shows that the riew money which winter and summer tourists spend in this area filters through all channels of trade.
A committee of California lumbermen has organized a movement for the purpose of securing and dedicating one of the Sequoia Gigantea, in the Calaveras Grove of Big Trees, in Calavenas County, California, as a memorial to Parson Simpkin, late Chaplain of Hoo-Hoo International. The movement is sponsored by a large number of Pacific Coast lumbermen. The committee is earnestly at work, and literature outlining the plans of the committee is being distributed to the lumbermen of the State. ***
For the purpose of exemplifying Standard Millwonk Schedules, the Millwork fnstitute of California is carrying on a correspondence course among its membership. At the present time they have 250 enrolled in the course and lessons are being sent out weekly by the Institute and the course will penhaps continue for the remainder of the year. Several months ago, the Institute, after about three and a half years' work, published a book of Standard Millwork Schedules, which set the standardized method of pricing on items of millwor.k, other than sash and doors, including such items as finished lumber, exterior frames, interioi frames, cabinet work, panel work, stairs, etc. The Standard Millwork Schedules represent the first millwork price schedule that has ever been developed and used in California, and should result in standardizing the pricing of the products of the industry. {3*{.
Reports of the building activity throughout the country for the month of March are encouraging. Among the outstanding developments of the month were the enormous gains made by some of the larger cities. New York City, with permits totaling $51,057,362 gained about 100 per cent over February, while Chicago also showed a remarkable gain in building figures over the preceding month. Los Angeles, with a total of $4,272,107, moved up from fourth to third place in the building construction rank among all cities of the United States during the past month.
Whether your order be large or small, or in mixed selections, /ou are assured of a full and immednte delivety' This reducesyour overhead by making these choice woods avallable on twenty'four hours notice.
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