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Southern California Dealers Meet at Los Angeles

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Harry A. Lake

Retail lumber dealers from all sections of Southern California were present at the meeting of the Lumber and Allied Products Institute of Southern California, held at the Elks Club, Los Angeles, on Tuesday evening, April 7. Over 300 attended the meeting.

Kenneth Smith, secretary-manager of the Institute, presided at the business session. Harry A. Lake, president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association and chairman of the Executive Committee of the Lumber and Allied Products Institute, discussed several matters of importance to the dealers including state association activities, business ,conditions and grade-marked lumber. He thanked the dealers on behalf of trustees of the Institute for the wonderful attendance and urged the continued cooperation of the Institute membership. The Institute membership totals 350 members, and the Institute is working in cooperation with 150 other yards in Southern California, he stated. Mr. Lake also spoke on the friendly feeling that exists among the dealers, which he said has been built up through the group meetings.

Frank Burnaby, Sun Lumber Co., Beverly Hills, talked on "Trade Promotion." Mr. Burnaby's address appears in full elsewhere in this issue.

W. J. Van Valkenburgh, president of the Building Material Dealers of Los Angeles, dis'cussed the activities of their association and stated that the building material dealers wanted to cooperate with the lumber trade.

"Lumber Institute Activities" was next discussed by ;Kenneth Smith, secretary-manager of the Institute. Mr. / Smith's address appears elsewhere in this issue. f IacU Dionne. Publisher of "The California Lumter Mer- { chant," was the speaker of the-evening. He paid the In-

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For a lruck load, car, or a cargo, get in touch with s-titute a splendid tribute for the excellent work they are doing, and urged the dealers to build their association st-rongly and stick-to-it. He also stressed the importarice of creative selling to increase their business.

_ Following the speaking program, Earl Jameson, Sun Lumber Co., Beverly Hills, offerecl the following resolution which was unanimously adopted:

WHEREAS our Executive Committee consisting of 4arry T.ake, A. J. Stoner, Wayne Mrrllin. C. G. Lynch-and George T-ounsberr.y have given most efiective leadership to the Lumber and Allied Products Institute during the iast months, and have also given a great portion of iheir vlaluable time to our problems, and

WHEREAS our Trustees in ea.ch D;strict have given generously of their time and abilitv in organizing their members and calling district meetings. ancl -

WHEREAS our Secretary-Marlag'er Kenneth Smith through his untiring effort ha.s contributed materially ancl is, more than any other individrral. responsible for thi success of our present Association,

'NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That this meeting express acknowledgment and appreciation for the valuable leadership and support of these men, and that every lumberman do his utmost to continue their faithful co-operation in Association activities.

During the clinner hour music u,as furnished bv the Elk,s orchestra through the courtesy of the Los Angeles Elks, and during the evening several selections weri rendered by the Hallelujah Quartette.

_ Gray Skidmore, Skidmore & Bor.vers Lumber Co., Downey, rvas chairman of the arrang'ements committee, and was assisted by A. J. Stoner, Sawtelle Lumber Co., Sawtelle, and Frank Burnabr'.

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