1 minute read
W. can't afficrd to keep this secret
f AST month we made an announceu ment that may prove to be of farreaching importance to the building industry.
First of all, we announced a drastic cut in the price of the New Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles.
Second, we told how new imProvements in manufacture have made the New Creo-Dipts better than ever before. Each shingle is individually finished to give it a maximum coating of stain-trvice as much as on ordinary stained shingles-with the result that colors are much more uniform and durable. In addition all shingles are packed in dustproof fibre cartons for maximum protection.
Frankly, we don't see how news like this could remain a secret very long. We hope not, because we know that people this year are nbt going to be satisfied with anything but greater value for less money.
So put your order in now. Then, tell your customers the New Creo-Dipts are the best stained shingle value ever offered. It's true. And it ought to get you some business t
Have you had your new price list? If not, write to the address below or ask your Creo-Dipt representative.