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Another Boost For Durability Of Redwood
A nelvs item in a recent issue of the San Francisco "News" tells of the removal of ties made from California Redwood during Sutter Street car line improvements. The ties were found to be in virtually as good condition as the day they were laid, 25 years ago. The item, headed, "Railroad Ties Perfect After 25 Years' IJse" is as follows:
"A new romance of California's redwoods was brought to light today in the reconstmction of the Sutter Street line of the Market Street Raihvay, now in progress.
"This line was one of the first of San Francisco's old cable qlllyays to be electrified following the disaster of April 18, 1906, the work commencing before the ashes of whjt once had been the city's downtown section had become cool.
"Electrification of the Sutter Street line necessitated the ripping up of the cable slot and light rails, and the substitution of heavy steel rails spiked io redw,ood ties.
"fn the present work of reconstruction these rails and ties are being entirely replaced, the former having become worn and battered as the result of the stream of fieavy car traffic that has flowed over them for the past quartei of a century.
"But, to the astonishment of engineers of the Market Street- Ra_ilway, the redwood ties, brrried under the pavement for 25 years and carrying the brunt of the traffiC load during that period, are in viitually as good condition as they were when first laid in April.-1906."
W. T. White, president of Wtrite Brothers. San Francisco-, return_ed April 9 from a month's vacation spent at Castle Hot Springs,' Arizona.
M-r. White improved his golf game by practicing on the sand course adjoining the resort. and he hopes -io meet some of the lumberrnen, particularly harchvobcl men, on that course some day. He recommends pla1. on this course as an excellent and gentle reducer for tl-rose lturdened rvith superfluous tveight, and remarked that the thermometer hit ll0 in the shade on the last day he plavecl there.
Back From Trip
Floyd Elliott, of the sales department of the Chas. R. \{cCormick Lumber Co., San l'rancisco, returned to his des\- A-pril 6 from a short vacation. Accompanied b1, his family he left San Francisco March 28 bv automobile. and drove hy way of l)eath Valley to Las Vegas, Nevada, where he visited the site of Boulrler Darn.
Do You Know That
We have on wharf at Oakland, evailable for immediate rhipment, in carload lots or truck delivery:
5/2 Pe:fectc 5,/2 Extra Cleare
6/2 F-xtra Star-A-Star f 1 Green Fir LathSplit Redwood Posts