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Coast Counties Club Meets Lt,Monterey
More than 60 members and guests were present at a general meeting of the Coast Counties Lumber,men's Clul:r held at the San Carlos Hotel, Montere\'. Wednesdav evening, April-8
Entertainment took the form of musical numbers furnished by Ernie Bacon and Frank Murphl-, who are both rnembers of the club.
D. C. Essley, manager of the California Retail Lumbertn-en's Association, gave a splendid report of the activities of his organization throughout Northirn California.
Earl E. Bowe, of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, _Los Angeles, delivered a most interesting acldress on the subiect of termites.
B,rief but constructive talks were given by the follorving: _George N.-I."y, Santa Cruz; T. A.-Work, Sr., Montere!; F'orrest Peil, secretary-manager of the San Joaquin Lumbermen's Club, F-resno; Homer T. Hayward,-Salinas; J. A. Gr-eenelsh, San Luis Obispo; Sterling Truitt, Pismo,- and J. V. Creath, Morro Bay. -
Mr. Work, who in addition to being in the lumber business is- also heavily interested in the banking business, gave a banker's view of lumber association aitivities. rvtr;ctr pr,oved to be exceptionally interesting to his hearers. He stated that in his opinion cooperation in all business lines is an absolute necessity to the great majority of firms tvho want to be successful in their business ventures.
Merle D. Bishop, secretary-manager of the club, expressed his appreciation of the good attendance at the meeting, some of the members har-ing come 180 miles to be present.
Wayne F. Mullin, Mullin Lun.rber Co., Los r\ngeles, accompanied by his mother, N{rs. Adella Mullin, left on an eastern !1ip .on 4pril 3. After a fe.rv days in Arizona, thev left for Florida for a few n'eeks' sojourn. Ilefore retrirning to California, they will also visit Nerv York, Chicago, Bos-ton and other eastern points. I\,[r. \{ullin plans to be arvay about six rveeks.
Ben Ostlind Visits California
Ben Ostlind, Ostlind Mfg. Co., Marshfield, Oregon, !\'as a recent California visitor on business. He rvas a visitor at the offi,ces of the California Panel & Veneer Co., Los Angeles, and the H. B. Maris Panel Co.. San F'rancisco. their California representatives.
BETTER BUSINESS awaits Dealers who adopt this New Home ModernizationPlan...
p VnnV old house in America
IJ is a direct sales lead... a challenge to the alert lumber merchant. Eighteen tnillion American homes, each over fift eeny eat s old, formthe largest, most reslrcnsive, and most profitable lumber market today.
Are you going after your share of this business?
To help you, the National Lumber Manufacturers Association has prepared several attractive new booklets tlut will show your customers graphically the many ways in which their old .houses can be quickly and inexpensively transformed into lovely, livable homes.

Already these booklets have sold thousands of dollars' worth of lumber for dealers throughout the country. They are proving an invaluable sales tool. Yet the Association makes them available to you in quantities for lessthanthe costof printing!
ACT NOW-lrany dealers will double and even triple their lumber sales during the next three months with this plan. Do you want to do the same? Then get this literature. Put copies of it in the hands of every old house owner in your territory. Act now. Write today for your free sample copies.