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'Albert A. Kelley
Albert A. (Al) Kelley, the good-looking young man whoce picnrre adornr this page, needr no introduction, ag chairman of the day at luncheon clubs are wont to rey, to the retail lumbermetr of Nochern California. Flowever, ag he has the distinction of being the oldest lumber salesman in point of service traveling the Sacramento Valley, the follonuing particulars of his career are of general interect.
Al was born in San Francisco on March 14, 1898, at the corner of l{awthorne and Fobom Streets, "South of the Slot", ae they say in the city by the Goldcn Gate, and is one of the few men in the wholecate lumber busineso of purely frish detcent.
Educated at the Mission and Everett Schoole, he rtarted to work for A. J. 'rGus" Rusell, who then represented the Podand Lumbet Co. of Poatland, Ore., as ofice boy.
In May, !917, he went to Portland to work in the oaw-mill of the Pordand Lumbcr C-o. in order to gain firct-hand experience in tfie manufacture of lumber, remaining thete until February, 1918, when he rcaurned to C.alifornia and worked for the Tracy Lumber C.ompany, Tracy, until May 1, 1918, when he joined the Arrry.
He enlirted with the Hea{quarter Troop (Cavalry outft), located at Camp Fremont, Menlo ParL, California. Thic outfit was made up of Genetal Perchindr Cavalry, men who had scrved with him during the Mexican Bordet rouble.
The Gernrans murt have heard Al was on the way, ar the war ended roon after he arrived in France. Ffe was fortunate enough to rpend Armistice Day in Paric, whete he hdped the French people, especially the girlr, to celebrate. Ffe rvas not so lucky on Thantcgiving Day, for that was spent in a box car.
He wac discharged from the Army in May, 1919, and immediately came bacL to wor! for A. J. Ru*s€ll in San Francisco. After opending about nine monthr in tte oftce he was put on the road relling lumber in the Sacrametrto Valley, Sonoma Valley and Bay Di*rict territoriec for the Senta Fe Lumber Company, of which Mr. Ruraell had become maneger' and har remained with the cotnpany continuourly gince that time.
Al wac married in November, 1925, to Micc Gmyce Niquette of Loc Angeler, and they have two cbil&en, Albert Ruccdt 5 years, and Barbara Jearq aged 3.
Deducting the time rpelrt in the Service Al Kelley at 3, is rurely ihe youngert vct€tran in the lumber business ln California, and poeoibly on the Pacific Coact, witln l7Y, yats of faithful service.