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M anuf acturers - W holesalcrs
Rail and Cargo
24 Market Street - San Francirco
Lor &rslud)Ecc
Pottlaad O6cc Ccatrrl Bldg. Ancricrn Brdr Bldg.
Luther O. Green, formerly vi'ith Reynier [.umber Co., San Francisco, has joined the sales force of the Coos Ba1' I.umber Co. He has been assigned to the Coast Counties territory, and after spending two rveeks at the colnpany's plant at Marshfield will start out on the road April 15.
Geo. C. Cornitius, of the Geo. C. Cornitius Hardwood Co., Inc., returned to Los Angeles April 9 from a visit to the company's San Fran.cisco office, where he spent some tinre rvhile his partner, W. H. O'Neill, rvas absent on a business trip to Seattle and Portland.
Manulaclwerc of Soft Texture - Old Growth
Dry Kihr Plrning Mill Bor ShooL rnd Moulding Factoricr
Deily Capacity 3li0,llfl) Ft.
Klamatt Falh Oregon
Pelican Bay Lumber Co. O Los Angeles Office
The Pelican Bay Lumber Company, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, manufacturers of California White Pine, has opened a sales office at 604 Board of Trade Ruilding, Los Angeles.
Lyle M. Titus will represent the company in the Southern California and Arizona territories. Mr. Titus has been connected with the lumber industry in Southern California for the past eleven years and is *'ell knorvn to the lumber trade in both Southern California and Arizona. He rvas formerly in charge of Pine sales for the E. K. Wood Lumber Co. at their Los Angeles office. and prior to that rvas connected with the A. W. Smith Lumber Co. for several years. He took over his nerv duties on April 1.
The Pelican Bay Lumber Company has an annual production of l2O million board feet.
Modernizes Dry Kiln Facilities
The Hardwood Products Corporation, Sedro Wolley, Wash., has contracted for the modernization of a third dry kiln of the Moore Reversible Cross Circulation type, following the rebuilding of two kilns that were regarded as out of date from the standpoint of effi,cient drying. The Hardrvood Products Corporation operate a band saw rnill rvith a daily capacity of 15 M. feet, the output consisting chiefly of alder, birch, maple and cottonrvood. G. H. Gilbertson is president of the company. Chas. Gilstrap is manager, and Carl Allen is superintendent and in charge of the dry kiln operations.
B. C. Timber Royalties Reduced
The British Columbia Provincial Government has reduced royalties 15 cents per M on all kinds of timber cut in the interior and on some on the coast, states a telegram from Trade Commissioner E. G. Babbitt at Vancouver to the Lumber Division of the Department of Commerce. Recently the British Columbia Loggers Association in a hearing before the Forestry Committee of the Provincial Legislature appealed for a reduction of timber royalties and requested that restrictions apply'ing to the export of logs be temporarily suspended.
Waterborne lumber exports from Vancouver Island, Nerv Westminster and Vancouver during February amounted to 44,2@,Offi board feet,compared with 53,648,000 the same month of 1930, a decline of about 18 per cent. state reports from Consuls Nelson P. Meeks at Vancouver and Robert M. Newcomb at Victoria.
'Waterborne shipments to the United States decreased from 18,665,000 in February 1930 to 15,882,000 in Februarrr this year, a decline of aborit 15 per cent.
Waterborne shipments from British Columbia Lorver Mainland to Canadian Atlantic ports during Februarv 1930 were 5,265,000compared with 1,839,000 February this vear, a decline of about 65 oer ,cent.
New Yard At Santa Cruz
J. H. Roper and E,. J. Dabadie have opened a nerv yard at Santa Cruz, and in addition to lumber, will handle a complete line of building materials, hardware and paints, They were both formerly connected rvith the retail lumber business in Santa Cruz.
Fronk Burnaby