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Wood Dominates the Furniture Industry

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Washington, March 25-Out of a total don-restic furniture production for living quarters purposes valued at ff59,023,309 during 1929, a final report by the U. S. Bureau of the Census recently issrred reveals. $611.680,810 rvorth was manufactured of rvood. Metal furniture represented only about 12 per cent of the total production and the remaining 2 per cent consisted of fiber, rattan, reed and willow pieces. More than half of the metal furnitrrre,'$17,344,113 worth, was for bedroom purposes, including a large number of beds and trunk rests for use in hotels and similar commercial establishments where personal preference isa minor factor. For this same purpose $139,774,965 worth of wood furniture was produced.

So completely does wood dominate the furniture market that only in one minor item out of the five classifications is a predominance of other material shorvn. For lockers, with an aggregate value of $5,232.930, the value of wood is in'cluded rvith metal so as not to disclose the business activities of a limited group of manufacturers. In fixtures for offices and stores wood products totaled $135,848,543 agains-t $57,510,306 for metal. For public buildings and seats for public conveyances wood products had a value of ff28,691,233 against $12,352,511 for metal. Laboratory, hospital, beauty and barber shop chairs, tables and cots showed w-ood products manufactured u'orth ffi,458,070 as against $7,829,105 for metal despite the prevalent belief that wood is not generally used for such purposes.

These figures represent only the value to the manufacturers and do not include the retail mark-uu or other values added to cor.er necessary selling costs.

Carleton M. Adams

Carleton M. Adams, San Diego representative for tl-re Union Lumber Company, died at San Diego, on April 9. He was 38 years of age. Mr. Adarns had been connected with the Union Lumber Company for a long period, and prior to his going to San Diego several months ago to represent the company in that territory, he rvas manager of the company's mill at Fort Bragg, Calif. He is survived by his rvife and three children. Funeral services rvere held at San Rafael, Calif., on Saturday afiernoon. April 11.

Trade Promotion

(Continued from Page 18) worthwhile trade promotion or anything else of a constructive nature can be accomplished for the retail lumber industry of this section, except through our Trade Assocratlon.

The support of the Institute is therefore the rnost important job before everyone of us and nothing rvhatever must be done that in any wav lessens its efiecliveness. Don't leave all the effort to the Executive Cornmittee. the Secretary, the Field men and other employees. Try to find rvays to -build up your Association, rather than try to find loop holes through its regulations. If lve tear down our Association under present business conditions we may as well quit business, but if we give our genuine honest support to every phase of its activity lve will much more quicklv be on the road again to pleasure and prosperity.

Garage Doors

Per Peir, GlazedLirt Price. $31.25

Wectern Sash Gl lDoor Co.

lVendling- Nathan Co.


Wholeslerr of Douglas Fir


California White & S.tgar Pine lf you havc ncver hd

Let us sell you a car. It can be mixed with any other items of Old Growth Yellow Fir worked uppers.

Main Office: A.L Hoover, Agt. San Francisco Los Angeles

I l0 Market St. Standard Oil Bldg.

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