1 minute read
Sweeping the \fest with Unp THE NE\T COLOR ENSEMB bv PionQet
Overnight, Lumber Dealers of the West have welcomed Pioneer's greatest achievement in roofing manufacture with unparalleled enthusiasm! From Mexico to Canada, from Colorado to the Pacific. . a new era of roof beauty has dawned!
The advent of Pioneer's Color Ensemble Roof marks the first time in the history of 'Western roofing that lumber dealers have been able to sell a roof planned by eminent color authorities, and sell it as a complete unit applied exactly as famous artists designed it. Sweeping blends of subtle colorings drift and intermingle over the entire surface of the roof-a totally new and different effect that lends distinctive beauty to arry type of home.
Pioneer Dealers haue consistently forged, ahead. Their business has grown and continues to g;row. Because ol this tact, Pioneer has no unemployment, nor haae wages been reduceil.
America is ascending toward reneued pros- perity, Exeattiues ol successlul Dzsinesses haae relegated d.etails to their clerical organization-rolled up their sleetes and gone out alter sales. This uill be the keynote ol successlul sales prograrns iz 1931 , , , the form- uln thnt will carry progressiae concerrut throu.gh eoery stonn ol America's industrial history. Lumber Dealers uho sreer this course utill win a new measure ol oolume and profus,
Pioneer Color Ensemble Roofs will be widely talked about throughout the West. Newspapers, direct mail letters and folders wi[ carry the message of their unusual beauty into thousands of homes..!ere is your opportunity to win volume sales and generous profits in your territory during 1931! And remember, Pioneer Color Ensemble Roofs are rnanufactured exclusively by Pioneer and its associate companies.
'Write today for samples and full details. The couporr is for your convenience.