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ImproYement in April Lumber Movement Forecast

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' Washington, April 2.-Confirming forecasts a month ago, there was a slight increase in the florv of lumber from mills to retail dealers during March, as compared with February, "The Lumber Market", published by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, notes in its April 1 issue in which it forecasts a still further increase, probably from 5% to IO/o for the ensuing month. These increases are, however, no more than the ordinary seasonal advance and are not regarded as indicating a fundamental improvement. In,creases in the movement to industrials, in retail sales, in industrial consumption and in residential and farm building are further forecasts for April. The Lumber Market's forecasts are based on reports from 2000 correspondents in all sections, including over a thousand selected retailers, and a large group of manufacturers' salesmen, banks, building and loan associations and sirnilar local and national observers.

During March "retail dealers sales pickecl up considerably and dealers passed on to the consumers a 5%.to LO% reduction in price", it is stated, and during April, it is concluded from reports "retail dealers and industrial consumers are expected to pay a little more for lumber although further slight concessions in pri,ce will probably be made by retail dealers to their customers, a continuation of a substantial but irregular deflation of retail prices."

Additional interesting excerpts f romthe FebruaryMarch-April review and forecast state :

"Retail dealer sales decreased substantiall.r' in March in only one state, New Mexico. In most states sales increased from 5/o, to lO%, and in one, Georgia, over IO%."

"Retail dealer stocks increased or remained constant in March inall states except New Hampshire, Tennessee, Alabama, Texas, Arizona and Utah. An.rong the latter, Tennessee indicated stocks reduced as much as SVo, to lo%;'

"Reported stocks in the hands of lurnber nranufacturers on March 14 were 3/o above the same clate in 1930. Since January l, 1931, lumber shipments have exceeded lumber production by over 15%."

Peninsula Hoo Hoo Discuss New Membership Plan

A round tallle discussion of the new mer.nbership plan of Hoo }foo was the main feature of the dinner rneeting of San Jose and Peninsula lurnbermen and Peninsula lfoo Hoo Club No. 58. held at the Hotel St. Claire. San Jose, Monday evening, March 30.

President E. H. Galpin presided, and Supreme -|ablter- rvock lf. Selvall Morton, of Oaklancl. explainerl ancl ansrvered questions on the new plan.

Paul Kent With Mullin Lumber Co.

Paul Kent has joined the sales force of the Nlullin Lumber Co., of Los Angeles, and is representing the cornpanv in the Los Angeles district. Mr. Kent has been connectecl rvith the retail lumber business in Los Angeles for the past s.everal years and is r,vell known to the tra<le in that territory.

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