3 minute read
| separate a half inch of plaster from a sheet of our Grip Latlt," and the contractor rvould reply in the vernacular of Atlhesion test showin,g 55 lbs. of ptaster 11r. .1r.s1-"Oh,
holding to Grip Lath
Or, he would say to a lumber dealer: "'Water can pour in through a roof upon a sheet of Grip Lath covering a damage from all that water and winter exPosure-. There is ceiling, ind the waier will neither crick nor warp ior not a bulge. There is not a defect. It is a p-erfectly_ good damage the Grip Lath, or the plaster over it," anh the plaster ceiling, in as good condition as t-hough it had been dealei would look up at the sky, iloudless and serene, and protected by sound roof and walls. It is a demonstration lsrnask-"[t sur'e lo6ks like rain. dosent it?" ihat utterly refutes lots of old-timey ideas that developed long ago rvhen plaster lath tvas in its infancy, and not possessed of today's quality and stability.
Many groups of plasterers and plastering contractors and retail lumbermen u'ho have been entertained at the Schumacher plant of late have crarvled all over that exhibit, looking at it from top and bottom, and expressed their rvonderment at this demonstration.
They bal'e auother one just as irnpressive. 'fhey nailed a sheet of Grip Lath to a ceiling frame. They plaitered it with haif an inch of ordinary plaster. Then thiy took another sheet of Grip l-ath and pressed it againit the rvet plaster, and it stuck tight ; so tight that tliey take a one hundred pouncl weight, suspend it on a rvire, and hook the wire into the lo,rver sheet of Grip Lath. Nothing holds the plaster to the Grip Lath but thi natural affinit/of the plaster for that Lath, and nothing but that holds tie lorver sheet of Grip t.ath to the plaster. Yet that grip is sufficient to hold up one hundred pounds from the ienter betqg."n the studs, without breaking, bulging, or marring the ceiling in any way. They have shown thit demonstrition to the wonderment of all beholders. It must be understood that they are applying to this ceiling a test weight greater than any ceiling is ever called upon io bear, rvithlutlreaking-the adhesive bond betn'een the plaster ancl the Grip Lath.
They have another splendid demonstration. They take a sheet of Grip Lath 24 inches square. They make i .o*pact ball of ordinary plaster that n'eighs 55 -pounds. They put this compact ball of plaster in thi centei of that sheet of Grip Lath, Iet it set, then turn the sheet over ancl suspend it between 24 incb supports, t'ith the solid lump of 55 pounds of plaster clinging to the center of it. In^ the first-place, the plaster anil tfie Lath stick perfectly. The bond seems unbreakable. In thc second place you will discover not the _slightest bulge to the Lath, alth6ugh the xgpports are wider apart than ceiling lath is ever nailed. This shows the marvelous adhesive (ualities of the Grip Lath with the.plaster, and the great sirength of the Lath, a_nd the security and solidity of the rvali- ancl ceiling so constructed.
There are other demonstrations of various characters that they make and have rnade in this "rve sho\,v ,em,, department,_ but these three are the most rlnusual. impressive, and almost unbelievable ones.
They are continually entertaining groups of men in various departments of the building-btisirr.i., particularl,l, retail lumbermen an_d _pla-ster contiactors, shorving them rvhat Grip Lath u'ill do in practical construction." Thev generally give the visiting group a deliehtful feed_for these mtetings are in the earlv ev-ening usiiall\,-ancl shorv them hos' Grip Lath is rnade. and rvhit it will do.
Mr. Galbraith says that this demonstration department has been of wonclerful service in convincing builciing men of truths. and in removing false prejuclices. If vou-rvant to he shorvn. call Galhraith, and Galbraith will ih.,lr, l..u.
Announcement has been macle of the marriage of E. A. Blocklinger, of Chiloquin, Oregon, ancl Mrs. Blanche lack_ son Sharv, of Los Angeles, at the St. James Episcopal Chur,ch, Los Angeles, on March 28. Arthur E. Trvohy, ios Angeles wholesale ltrmberman and nephew of Mr. Block_ linger, acted as best man at the ceremony. Mr. Blocklinger, well knor,r'n Pacific Coast lumberman, is manager of the Chiloquin Lumber Co., at Chiloquin, Oregon. Follo.wing a honeymoon spent at Flagstaff, Arizona, and San Fran_ cisco, they will make their home at GhilocJuin.