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Comparative Annual Statistics for Redwood Industry
Figures below give annual statistics on lactivity of the Redwood industry for the last four years. These figures are based upon identical mills and representipractically the entire Redwood cut with the exception of \R.edwood produced by thq Great Southern Lumber Comppny in Louisiana from California timber.
These are final figures after the close of the'year's books and should be complete and accurate.
Annual Totals-1928 to l93l-Identical Co\rpanies (Lu'mber, shingles, shakes, lath and factory pipducts in M. ft. B.M.)
4,516 Year . .. 27,801 8,94A 28,383 24,038
(a) Shipments are net for the industry-intfr-company shipments deducted. Shipments of factory pfoducts included as footage of finished product, not as lufnber delivered to factorv.
(b) Plant tise for 193O totaled 14,969 M. feed Redwood and, 5,647 M. feet other species; for 1931 the tota! for Redwood was 9,248 M, feet and 4,073 M. feet for other species. Plant use was not segregated for the earlier years.
(c) Factory waste and other disposals reported for 1930 and 1931, computed f.or 1929, not available for 1928.
The above figures were compiled by Selwyn J. Sharp, statistician of The California Redwood Association.
Retail Dealers to Maet at San Diego
A meeting of the Southern California retail lumber dealers will be held at the San Diego Athletic Club, San Diego, on Saturday, April 23,1932. The business session will be held during the afternoon, starting at 1 p.m. Following the meeting, a dinner dance will be held at the Athletic Club at 7 p.^. All retail dealers are urged to attend the meeting.
Appointed General Manager
Burton W. Adams, of the Adams Lumber Co., Oakland, has been appointed general manager of the Feather River Lumber Co., Delleker, and has moved to Delleker to take up his duties. Mr. Adams is a well known figure in the lumber business in California. He was formerly general sales manager of the Pickering Lumber Co., with headquarters in San Francisco, and prior to that was sales manager of the Fruit Growers' Supply Co., San Francisco.