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Short Lengths lrom the Retail Yards

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The Manteca Lumber & Supply Co., Manteca, has moved into its attract'ive new office building. The new office is of frame construction with a stucco front and is two stories in height. A two-story lumber shed 9O feet long has also been built, It is planned to build a fence around the plant, and also ,install a sign over the front. The company is owned by T. R. Fuller and Joe Christensen.

Reid & West Lumber new quarters ac.ross the Co.. Bellflower. has moved into its street from their old location.

George A. Garrett has accepted the managership of the San Pedro Lumber Co. yard at Westminister, and will assume his new pos,ition on April 15. Mr. Garrett has been connected with the Kerckhoff-Cuzner Mill & Lumber Co. for the past fourteen years, and for the last two years has been manager of the wholesale hardware department in their Los Angeles office.

Wood Bros. Lumber Company of Santa Cruz has installed a new radio broadcasting system to speed up business transactions between the office, mill and yard. The nerv system, known as the "Voycall", consists of a main m'icrophone in the offi,ce controlling three loudspeakers, of rvhi,ch two are located in the yard and one in the mill. Anyone wtithin 40 feet of these stations can carry on a conversat,ion. The company invites the publi,c to come in and see this new system in operation at any time.

The Hayward Lumber & Investment Co. and Lancaster Lumber Co., Lancaster, have consolidated and will operate as the Hayward Lumber & Investment Co. C. V. Small, former owner of the Lancaster Lumber Co., will be manager of the yard, and Max Beckivith who has been manager of the Hayward yard for the past year will be assistant manager. As soon as details can be completed the Lancaster Lumber Co. will be closed.

The Nevada County Lumber Co. at Nevada City has remodeled and modernized their offrce building. The office norv has a modern front with an overhanging markee and in addition to the general sales offi'ce, there are display rooms for paint and builders' hardware. The rear ofli,ce is for the accounting department, and alongside this is the private office of Manager Oscar Odegaarde. A11 the walls and ceilings are finished in the various wallboards, and the doors and windows are of various types to show their customers how these materials and millwork items work and look in actual use in the home.

Davis Lumber Co., Davis, is constructing a new building which will cost $20,000. The structure will be of reinforced concrete, 50 by 90 feet. The office will be at the rear and will be 23 by 44 f.eet. Celotex will be used for the ceiling, and knotty pine for the interior woodrvork.

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