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From the Ten Years Files of The Colifornia
Reprinted from the Miami (Arizona) Evening Bulletin is a sketch of John C. I;ight and the Norman-Light Lumber Company. There is also a pen picture of Mr. Light. The company's slogan is, "From the hills to the mills, then to You'" * * :t
Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company will furnish two electric locomotives, an automatic sub-station and the necessary line material for elecrifying the main line of the log-hauling road operated by The Red River Lumber Company from Chester to the mills at Westwood. This is the first railroad operated by a lumber company to be converted completely from a steam to ele,ctric operation.
Noah Adams Lumber Co. will establish a modern retail Iumber yard at Rio Vista.
The Sunkist Lumber aJ; "1,"r*.0 their plant at Monrovia. ***
Th'is issue carries a personal write-up on the lumber career of Jimmie Atkinson, well known San Francisco lumberman.