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Ratc---S2.50 Pcr Colurnn

Retail Salesman Wanted

ADVERTISING Inch. Minimum Ad One-Half Inch.

By u'ell established, progressive firm, located in County Seat city of 15,000, within 100 miles of Los Angeles. Must be married, and nrust have had California experience in all branches of the retail lumber business, including Mill work, building supplies, hardware, paints, etc. Familiarity with oil field trade will be advantageous. This position has a wonderful opportunity for the future, and is now open. Act at once, outlining fully your qualifications, and experiences for the past l0 years, stating age, salary expected, and how soon available. An interview will be reguired. Address Box C-662, care California Lumber Merchant.


Experienced in all departments of the retail lumber business. Have had lumber experience in Los Angeles territory. Have managed yards. Address Box C-660, care California Lumber Merchant.


Bgokkeeper-stenographer with all around expefience. Must speak Spanish.

Address P. O. Box 518, Calexico. Calif.


Portland, Oregon,-"The Western Pine Industry wants the public to know r,r'hat it is doing to keep its lands productive and to assure western communities of a stable forest resource," said Clyde Martin, Forest Engineer for Western Pine Association, in an interview.

"In order to accomplish this we.have just issued a 24page pictorial story of the forestry work now being carried on by members of our Association.

"This is a free booklet, devoid of any advertising matter, which we will be glad to send to any one in the United States who is interested in forestry. Without knowledge and understanding of forest problems on the part of the public, there is little hope of developing sound state ind national policies. And without these, private management will be impossible as a business enterprise.

"So we wish to take the people into our confidence," said Mr. Martin, "place our card-..face up on the table and rely on the common sense of the average American to produce a workable answer to the economics of forestry."

A copy of the booklet may be obtained by writing the 'Western Pine Association, Yeon Bldg., Portland, Oregon.


The steam schooner Katherine Donovan has been put back into service by Donovan Lumber Company, and sailed from San Francisco April 2 to load lumber at Aberdeen.

Position Open

Wholesale Lumber Salesman. San Francisco Bay Territory. Anplications Confidential.

Address Box C-661, California Lumber Merchant.

Planing Mill And Lumber Yard For Sale

Planing mill and small lumber yard in Santa Rosa for sale. Lumber stock 8Q000 feet, and miscellaneous building material. Corrugated steel mill building in good condition.

Address Chris M. Wininger, Trustee, 415 Pacific Building, 610 l6th Street, Oakland. Calif.

For Sale

Lumber yard 30 miles from Los Angeles. Established 15 years. Stocks of merchandise and one truck $3,0fi). Will lease ground and buildings for $80 a month. Also other yards for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 549 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 87,16.

Pickering Reorganization Plan Approved

Kansas City, March 28.-Reorganization plans of the Pickering Lumber Company were finally approved by Federal District Judge Albert L. Reaves here.

The plan, worked out by majority members of a bondholders' committee, organized April n, 1931, will be financed by a Reconstruction Finance Corporation loan, not to exceed $2,500,000.

Lumber On The Air May 1

Washington, April 9.-The Department of Commerce has added the lumber industry to its list of subjects for broad,cast talks in the Industrial Series being d,istributed on the Columbia Broad'casting System. From 3:30 to 3:45 (EST) Saturday, May 1, Harry R. Daniel, publicity director of the Department will speak through some 8O stations from the offices of the Department of Commer,ce in Washington. Every large commercial station in the country served by Columbia will put this talk on the air.

Piano Shipments Increase

The National Piano Manufacturing Association reported a 8.44% increase of shipments in February 1937 over Ferruary 1936. Unfilled orders were up 63.59%, an indication that business is better in this field as well as in other departments of the lumber industry.

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