1 minute read

Aso Today Lumber Merchont, April

1 5, 1927

The members of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club rvith the,ir wives and guests held a meeting at the Mroman's Club, Downey, Tuesday evening, April 5. Over 70 sat down to a delicious chicken dinner that was furnished by the Woman's Club. An excellent musical program rvas given by the High School orchestra. Following the dinner, there was a business session.

A. T. Gardner and his son, Norman M. Gardner, have purchased the controlling interest in the old Magnet Lumber Co. and changed the name to the Home Lumber Co. They have enlarged the stock, put in new equipment and nrade general improvem.1,..* *

J. G. Bjornstad has sold his interest in the Dixie Lumber & Supply Co. to R. H. Gurney, W. S. Cowling and Arthur z\. Jensen. This company was organized in 1913 by Mr. Bjornstad and has made decided progress. There will be no change in the policy of*the company.

Union Lumber Co. has sold its yards at Bakersfield, Taft, Delano and McFarland. The yards at Bakersfield and

(Continued on Page 27) to help you sell Point No. 10 /O-/2a/6 Doors

Trade-marked, Guaranteed and

Backed by ilore Than 45 Years'Experience

This airplane view conveys some idea of the size and extent of our plant-with the_ largest capacity, namely, 47M per hour, oI any car.and. cargo mill in Oregon.^ \[e hope it will give in impression io you of our comple-te modern facilities for giving prompt and satisfying iervice to wholesalers and dealers on their requirements for Soft Old Growth Igllow Do-uglas Flr _ and Sitka Spruca Cargo and rail shipments. Weekly sailings to California pons; packaged lumber stowed even^lengths and widths. Write th.e Portland ofice Jor list oJ .,specio,lsD issied ueekly-ofte-1rt!7ne9 tou tnillfiid, real bargains ii surplus iterns that are atailablc for eitlrcr toater shipnrent or all ro;il.

The 10-10 Sales Flan afiords real sales and profit-making advantages to active dealers. Write for complete information today, there is no obligation. Do you know all of the 10 points of superiority of WOCO and LAMINEX Doors?

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