4 minute read
It is no longer neeessary to order Straight Cars of PorJorford Oedar
Our new Douglas Fir Plywood and Lumber Mills are noru operating so that we can ship cars mixed with any sizes and grades of the above, green, air or kiln-driede rough or worked.
Smith Wood-Products, Inc.
Largert Producerr Bend Sewn Port Orford Ceder Abo MfgE& of Douglar Fir Lumber and Plywood
For the very best Venctirn Blindc denrnd Port Orford Cedar Slats California Saler Agentr
1032 Millr Blde.
- Telephone SUttc l3E5 Mritr OfAe
Insulite Salesmen Hold Spring Meetings
Meetings of the entire field forces and several headquarters officers of The Insulite Company have just been held at Minneapolis, Chicago and New York. In addition to addresses by Vice President Batchelder and other officers of the company, talks were given by Geo. W. Dulany, vice president, National Lumber Manufacturers Association; Findley M. Torrence, secretary, Ohio Retail Lumber Dealers Association; Paul Collier, secretary, Northeastern Lumber Dealers Association, and Samuel L. Guard, editor of Breeders' Gazette.
Principal feature of the meetings was the announcement of the company's 1937 Advertising and Sales Promotion program, which includes a complete nerv set of sales literature and gSreatly enlarged consumer space advertising. Such magazines as Better }fomes and Gardens and lfouse Beautiful have been added to last year's list and a consistent campaign will again be carried in American Home. In addition a more extensive campaign will be carried in Architectural Forum, American Architect, Achitect and Engineer, The Federal Architect, American Builder, Practical Builder, Real Estate and Building Management Digest and the publications serving the retail lumber industry.
fa8 DLrlrr Bldt.
In 1936 the company increased its sales better than 100 per cent over the volume for 1935 and their field sales forces were doubled. Plant facilities were increased to take care of increased production of their new product, Bildrite Sheathing, and new machinery was added to handle their increased sales of Insulation Tile and Plank.
The general office of the company is located at Minneapolis and branch offices are maintained at New York, Washington, Chicago, St. Louis and San Francisco. District sales managers in charge of their offices are E. A. Anderson, Minneapolis; IVI. G. Jensen, New York; M. C. Juell, Chicago; C. F. Heym, St. Louis, and H. S. Cheney, San Francisco.
Well Known Secretaries Tour West
Paul S. Collier, secretary Northeastern Lumber Dealers' Association, Rochester, N. Y., and Don S. Montgomery. secretary of the Wisconsin Lumber Dealsl5' Association-, have been making a tour of the West, calling on all the regional lumber associations. They attended the annual meeting of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau at Seattle, and met with W. C. Bell, managing director of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association, at Seattle.
They spent several days in San Francisco, and were taken by J. E. Mackie, manager of the Western office of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association to I"resno, and by F. Dean Prescott from Fresno to Bakersfield, where they met the lumber secretaries April 3. Here they discussed Hale's Course in Salesmanship, which is sponsored by the National Retail Lumbermen's Association.
They spent April 5 and 6 in Los Angeles, where they conferred with Kenneth Smith, secretary of the Los Angeles Lumber & Allied Products Association. Mr. Montgomery returned from Los Angeles to Wisconsin, and MrCollier went on to San Antonio to be present at the annual convention of the Lumbermen's Association of Texas, April 13 to 15.
Big Crowd to Attend Reveills April 23
Heavy advance ticket sales indicate that the attendance at the 5th Annual Reveille of Central and Northern California lumbermen to be held at Hotel Leamington, Oakland, Friday evening, April 23, will break all previous records. It is estimated that about 50O lumbermen will be there. At least three lumbermen from Vancouver, B. C., and several representatives of the Fir industry in the pacific Northwest have stated they witl attend.
Budda, well known radio artist and announcer, rvill present the entertainment, which will consist of 15 Grade A professional vaudeville acts.
Armand Girard, NBC baritone star, will be the guest artist.
The event is sponsored by East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39. Bert E. Bryan is general chairman. Clement Fraser is chairman of the entertainment committee, and Sewall Morton is in charge of the golf tournament to be held on Saturday morning, April24, at the Oak Knoll Country Club.
Carl R. Moore, secretary of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club, is general secretary-treasurer.
Host Phil C. Riley of Hotel Leamington is making elaborate preparations for handling the big crowd. Tickets for the banquet and entertainment are $2.00 each.
The Lumber Clerks and Lumbermen's lfnion, San Francisco local, recently made a demand for a 33-hour week and an increase in wages. The lumber dealers are opposed to an1'thing less than the present 44-hour week which has been in effect since last September, contending that such a short week would work a hardship on firms in the business of merchandising lumber and building materials.
Pine Mill Opens San Francisco Office
Davies-Johnson Lumber Company, manufacturers of Ponderosa and Sugar pine and White pine, with sawmill at Calpine, Calif., recently opened an office in the Monadnock Building, San Francisco.
Frank N. Blagen, president, is in charge of the new office.
The annual cut of the Davies-Johnson Lumber Company is about 30,000.000 feet.
W. T. White, president of White Brothers, San Francisco, returned April 5 from a month's vacation spent at Castle Hot Springs, Arizona. Mr. White, who has spent a month at this resort every year for the last l0 years, plays golf on the sand course, and rides horseback while there. He plays a good game of golf, and has become an expert horseman.
San Francisco building permits for March amounted to $2,@1,9n. Of this amount $1,084,678 went into the construction of frame buildings, principally homes.
Figures for the first three months of the year amounted to $4,536,870. This is 91,000,000 more than the 1936 figures for the same period.