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How PALCO helps you REDWOOD Self More vrcT0 R fiigh Eatly Strength PORTI.AND GEMENT
Gucrcrnteed to meet or exceed reguirements ol Americcur Society for Testing Mctericrls Speciliccrtions lor High Ecrrly Strength Portlqnd Cemeut, crs well cs Federql Specificcrtions for Cement, Portlcurd, High-Ecrrly-Strength, No. S$C-201.
(28 dcry concretc shengths in 24 hours.)
"Years Per Dollar" the real ' unit of value in lumber for exposed places, makes RedI wood the logical choice.
Palco Redwood, with facilities unexcelled in the Redwood industry, brings you the extra "yearage" of Red- | , I wood accurately milled, properly cured and care- ,l fully graded. &ll Redwood. 'i tl Buy Palco Redwood. Both
(Result ol compound compoaition cnd usuclly lound only in specicrl cements desigmed lor lhis purpose.)
(lxtremely sevcre cuto-cltrve test results consistently iadiccrte prccticclly no expcrnsion or conhcction" thus glirqinating one ol moet difiicult problems in use oI c high ecrly shengrth cement )
(Uters' crssurcnco oI fresh stock, unilonnity cmd prolrr results for concrete.)
Mcrnulqctured by
Three California Cities Listed Among Creo-Dipt to Build Three Model First Twenty in Building in U. S.
Three California cities were listed among the first twenty in the United States reporting the largest volume of building for tlre first two months of. 194O. Los Angeles was in second place with a total of $11,215,908, San Francisco was sixtlr with V,n7J78, and San Diego was eleventh with $2,774,8W. New York City was in first place with a total of. $45,876,377.
Following are the twenty cities showing the largest permit valuations for the first two months of the current year and comparative figures for 1939 as compiled by Dun & Bradstreet, Inc.:
Shingle Homes
Philip W. Bailey, manager of the Creo-Dipt Company, Seattle, announces that three Creo-Dipt homes are to be built in the Capitol Hill district in Seattle, demonstrating the adaptability of shingles for both roofs and sidewall work for different types of homes. The first of these houses, a colonial two-story home, is now under construction and was designed by the architectural firm of Loveless and Fey. The other two houses will be started within the next month. Creo-Dipt shingles in different color schemes will be used on both roofs and sidewalls.
The houses'rvill range in cost from $5000 to $850O. Materials will be purchased through local lumber firms and it is planned to use the latest developments to fulfill in every respect the demands of present-day home owners. The houses will be open to the public when completed and photographs will be available to lumber dealers, contractors and prospective home owners.
Reunion at Poet Laureate's Home April 28
A large group of friends of Mrs. Adeline Merriam Conner, Poet Laureate of the lumber industry, will hold their annual spring round-up on Sunday, April 23, at her home, The Cedars, which is on the main highway to Downieville, about 13 miles north of Nevada City, Calif., and within trvo miles of the historic mining town of North San Juan.
Baltimore, Md.
Boston, Mass.
Cincinnati, Ohio
E. E. Carriger Heads Coagt Counties Club
E. E. Carriger, Santa Cruz Lumber Co., Santa Cruz, was elected president of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club at the annual meeting of this organization held at Castroville, Calif., March 6.
Jas. Greenelsh, Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Salinas, was elected vice-president, and J. H. Kirk, Southern Pacific Milling Co., San Luis Obispo, was re-elected treasurer.
E. H. Galpin has succeeded George W. Greene as secretary.
A number of the party will stay at the National Hotel, Nevada City, on Saturday night, and will attend a banquet and entertainment there on Saturday evening at which Mrs. Conner will be the guest of honor.
A picnic luncheon on Sunday has been arranged for Mrs. B. E. Bryan and Mrs. Frank W. Trower. A short formal program will follow the lunch.
Rates for rooms at the National Hotel are $2.@ single, $3.00 double, with bath; $1.50 single, $2.00 double, without bath. Reservations should be made direct to the hotel.
Those who expect to attend are requested to notify Jas. B. Overcast, Strable'Hardwood Co., First and Clay Streets, Oakland, who is "major-domo," in charge of arrangements. His telephone number is TEmplebar 5584.
All lumbermen, their families and friends are cordially invited to join the party.