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Southern California Retail Yard For Sale
70 miles from Los Angeles on main highway in fast growing community. Railroad lease, established trade, clean stock, good equipment. For full particulars address Box C-773, California Lumber Merchant.
Small or medium-sized yards anywtere south of Stockton. Information kept confidential. Write Hayward Lumber & Investment Company, P. O: Box 1551' Los Angeles, Calif.
Fifteen years' experience in the retail lumber business. Estimator, bookkeeper, draftsman, scaler, read blue prints, general office work and yardman. Will go anywhere. Address Box C-801 California Lumber Merchant.
Retail Yardman Wants Position
Lumberman wants posifion as yardman in retait lumber yard. Over twenty years' experience. Can give good references. Address Box C-802, California Lumber Merchant.
Position Wanted
Retail lumberman,25 years experience, last l0 years in Los Angeles, fully familiar with all officc detail' sales, collections and credits, desires position as manager. Excellent references. Go anywhcre in Cdifornia. Address Box C-?8E, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yard For Sale
Modern lumber yard for sale near San Diego. Good plant, nice location and a good clean stock. Low investment. Address Box C-806 California Lumber MerchanL
Returns To Seattle
W. W. Woodbridge, Seattle, Wash., manager of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, was in Los Angeles the first of the month where he conferred with Jack Ivey, the Bureau's Southern California fieldman. Mr. Woodbridge was enroute to Seattle following a three months' business trip in the East.
For Sale Or Lease
Small lu.rnber yard, Iow rental. 50 miles from Los Angoles. $15,000 will handle. Profitable all through depression. Address Box C-803, California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position
Lumberman wants position with wholesde or retail concern in the metropolitan Los Angeles district. Ten years' retail and wholesale lumber experiencegeneral ofEce worlg bookkeeping and typing. Last four years with Los Angeles lumber firrn- Address Box C-804, California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Lumber Connection
toung man, experienced lumber accountant, desires wholesale or retail lumber connection. Preferably in Southern California. Address Box C-799 California Lumber Merchant.
Retail lumberraan with nine years' experience in the Los Angeles territory. Knows softwoods, hardwoods and building materials. Estimator, bookkeeper, stenographer, salesman and general ofhce work. 35 years of age, married. Good references. Address Box C800, Caifornia Lumber Merchant.
Young man in growing central coast town, with retail yard selling and drafting experience; one who is capable of handling FHA applications. Address Box C-805, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yards For Sale
\l[Ie have a number of good yards in Southern Cali' fornia for sale. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
C. W. Buckner, sales engineer for Harbor Plywood Corporation, returned to San Francisco recently after spending two months at the plant at Hoquiam, Wash. Following visits to Los Angeles and El Paso, Texas, he expects to leave shortly for Hoquiam for a short stay before going East for three months.