1 minute read

You offer such a product when you sell Wobnanized Lumber*. It is an effective line oI attack for obtaininq more business. You can tell home builders how Wobnanized Lumber gives protection against decay and termite damage at less than 2/s addition to the total cost of the house. You can sell WoLmanized Lumber for sleepers s1d lailing strips in commercial and institutional buildings. There is a rich source of extra business in skuctures ex' posed to weather, like the stadium shown above.

WoLnanized Lumber is gold through regular trade channels, coming to you direct from leading lumber producers, who ship in straight or mixed carloads. Ask ue to send you samplee of the new folders which you can use effectively in selling Wolmanized Lumber. AMERICAN LI'MBER & TREATING COMPANY, I4O8 OId Colony Building, Chicago.

rRegndercd Tradencrl

TRADE -47?rs r0u

San Fraucieco: I i6 New Moatgomery St. SUtter 1225

ECONOIItrT WITH OUAIrlTY-Wolmrn' irod Lumber u!.d at dangcl Pointr Drct6ts thc whob ttsctuF .t low cdt. ?"t it ir th. bxt mon.y ctn buY, alweYl tE.trd to ona Pt of spFi6qtioru' and rold undcr onr bnnd.


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