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Ag" not guaranteed---Some I have told Jor 20 ycars---Some Legs
No Box Seat For Him
He , very drunk That was plain. And he staggered u/to the ticket window of a thoatre, while a well dressed crowd of people poured in to see a stage play.
The ticket agent told him that the house was practically sold out. There were no seats on the lower foor at all, and none in the first balcony. "But," she said, "I can give you a seat in the front of one of the boxes next to the stage. Would that do?"
Returns From New York
T. B. Lawrence, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is back from New York where he spent several days on business. He traveled on the company's steamer, Josephine Lawrence, to the Panama Canal. After visiting a few days in Miami, Florida, he went by airplane to New York. The return trip to Los Angeles was made by airplane. He was away about a month.
Appointed Superintendent
Eddie Williams has been appointed superintendent of the Santa Ana Lumber Company, Santa Ana, Calif. He has been connected with the lumber and millwork business in Southern California for many years, and previously was with Madary's Planing Mill at Fresno.
Remodeling Office Building
Ross Lumber Company, Modesto, are remodeling and modernizing.their office building. The work includes installation of in air conditioning system.
The drunk showed great alarm and excitement. "Lady]' he shouted- "f wouldn't sit in that front box for a million dollars. No, lady, not for two million dollars."
"'1 /'hy" asked the puzzled ticket lady. "'What's wrong with a front box seat?"
"Lady," said the drunk, pityingly. "Haven't you ever heard what happened to Lincoln?"
San Francisco building permits for March, 1940, totaled $3,983,919 as compared with $3,335,196 for Illarch, 1939. The San Francisco total for the first three months of 194O was $8,191,097. Last year's first quartet p.tlttit. amounted to $6,535,404.
Moves Los Angeles Office
The West Coast Lumbermen's Association has moved its Los Angeles office to room A-63, Chamber of Commerce Building, 1151 South Broadway. The telephone number is PRospect 5108. The Association is arranging for an interesting display in its new quarters.
Hold Up Lumber Company
Two armed bandits held up Brown & Dauser Lumber Co. at Fullerton, Calif., on April 4, and escaped with $30O in cash. E. E. Stefiensen, manager, V. D. Gill, assistant manager, and Dorothy Burkhart, bookkeeper' were threatened by the gunmen.
New Plywood Sellins Kit Now Available Smaf f Home Sales Program For 1940
Just off the press for the M and M Wood Working Company of Pbrtland, Oregon, manufacturers of fir plywood, is a selling kit titled, "Resnprest Plywood Means Business." Following up this theme, twelve special inserts have been developed'for specific uses of Resnprest exterior plywood.
Fields and uses covered by the inserts include complete plywood homes, exteriors, trims, curved entrances and flush walls, signs, service stations, refrigeration and locker plants, boats, poultry and farm uses. Other fields are portable buildings, cabins, multiple use concrete forms, truck bodibs and trailers. A folder covering specifications is also included.
Each insert is devoted to a particular field with complete selling information plus detailed explanations and pictures of applications and uses of the waterproof exterior plywood. The wide range of subjects and examples makes this kit a valuable sales aid for retail dealers.
In Northwest
Roy Stanton, E.J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, is on a trip to.the Northwest calling on their customers and mill connections. He will be awav three or four weeks.
Washington, March 30.-A comprehensive, spiral-bound portfolio of all the materials available to local State Homes Foundations, lumber merchants, builders and financial institutions has just been made available by the National Small Homes Demonstration, sponsored by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association and National Retail Lumber Dealers Association. It is intended for the use of traveling representatives in the presentation of the 1940 sales campaign to the building industry this spring.
The newly assembled collection which is also being sent to the manufacturers cooperating in National Small Homes Demonstration, brings together all the materials necessary for the inauguration of a local drive for lower cost homes.
The portfolio contains information for the exclusive use of the dealer in the form of a new dealer's manual, a lowcost home sales manual for distribution to prospective home builders, ready-written advertising for use in local campaigns, ready-written publicity material, illustrations of models and sample working drawings of the two 194O engineered homes suggested as exhibit houses.
Move To New Quarters
The Patten-Blinn Lumber Co., Monrovia, Calif., has moved into its new quarters just across the street from the old location. Extensive interior and exterior improvements have been made to the property. N. S. Crandall is manager of the yard.