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The Pictures on the Shippins Office Wall lq la,c/" Sioa*n

O (Note: The brightest plcrce crround every scrurmill, lcrrge or sncll, is the office of the shipping clerk No mcrtter how shcbby it mcry be, the wclls are invcricbly well covered with bright pictures, chielly cclendcrrs, cmd clwcys the subiect is &e same-young, becutilul, Ehcrpely, nude or necnly-nude wonen.)

When I ihink crbout the pictures, ?out the nrrlced lemcrle pictures, The pictures I hcrve seen in gnect Art gcrlleries and hclls; Though they're done by crtists clever, They don't aeen so lovely, ever, As the pichrres thcrt I see Upon the shipping ollice wall..

, Aht rhe ship;s "L" **,

I hcrve hecnd of crt collectors, Rich crnd l--rous crt collectors, With their priceless *nudes" cmd pcintingrs Of the femcle forzr, cnd alb But to me they're not compcring With tbe pictures, bcre cnd daring, That the Shipping Clerk hcrs pcsted On the shippiag office wcrll

Aht That "lrt"L "n *'*"0, A, Cellini mcy be gorgeoua, And cr Titicn mcry be grcnd, Iooncrdo mcry hcrve been the greatest Pcrinter in the land; But the guy I put my bets on" Summer, winter, spring, cnd lcll, Is the guy thcrt pcints the pictures For the shipping office wqll

Ahl Thcrt shiJping offic. **, So, here's to you lvtr. Shipping Clerkl You're cr first-clcrss scrwmill guy, You've won your plcrce in Hecrven" When the notice comes to die,. For youte brightened up your corner [o the mill plcrnt, lcrrge or small, By the pictures thcrt you've hung upon The shipping.o*".. "r"1.

Yesl The shipprng office wcll.


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