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New San Francisco Yard of the Cadwallader-Gibson Co.
The Cadu'allader-Gibson Lumber Co. of San Francisco, well knowr.r manufacturers of mahogany and dealers in imported and domestic hardwoods are now located in their plant at 599 Brannan Street. The main building which is 6Ox160 contains two beautiful offices; the balance of the building is used for the storage of panels, flooring, ancl veneers. Plans are already under way to enlarge this building to increase their storage shed capacity. The exterior of the main building is especially attractive being finished with mahogany panels stained with varnish naturally and is undoubtedly the only lumber office in the country with a mahogany exterior. The interior of the main offibe is also finished in mahogany stained in a beautiful silver gray, while the interior of the private offi'ce is finished with bagac stained natural. A dry kiln with a capacity of 20 M board feet is already in operation and work is now under way to install a second kiln of the same capacity. The new yard covers about a half block and a large area is also available for outside storage purposes. This large concern have offices in Seattle, Oakland, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. The Cadwallader-Gibson Co. operate their own mills in the Philippine.Islands and from their mills lumrber shipments are consigned to all parts of the world. They have one mill located at Limay, where they produce their veneer, panels and flooring; their second mill is at Paysauan where they manufacture their rough lumber. Both mill plants are modern and ele,ctrically driven and the c'ompany own all the railroad and floating equipment used in their operations there. They employ about 2000 men in their Philippine operations and have an annual outprlt of about 20 million feet. B. W. Cadwallader is President of this large and gr'owing concern and R. E. Ford, with headquarters in San Francisco, is general manager.