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Dr. Chew Addresses I{p; Hoo

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CIub No.9

-9t. Ng Poon_Chew, editor and scholar, was the Speaker 9f the Day, at the regular meeting of Hoo Hoo Club'No. 9, held at the Palace Hotel on Thuisday, April 23. His sub- ject was the "Educational Evolution in China." Dr. Chew discussed in detail the old system of education which has been abolished. Under the oid system, he said; the Chineie language contained too many dialects; the language was entirely too complicated containing over 30,000 ihaiacters, and although the children attend school from 4:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. six days a week, it took them years to learn the language- _He stated that about six yeais ago, a National Board of Education was appointed, and since that date their educational system his made'remarkable progress. At the present time, he said that under the new iystem a universal dialect is being spoken in the various prbvinces, the language h-as been simplified and now contains only 50O characters, and a new alphabet of 39 letters is in us.e. Under their _new system, he stated that in one generation they would be speaking a universal language ln China. D;. Chew said that the Chinese Governmint had more students studying abroad than any other nation in the world, at the present time-over 20,000 students are studying in other countries, and 3000 are studying in the United States. The Chinese education of today, he stated is based on modern ideas and the study of English is required in all Chinese educational institutions, also that the Chinese Government expect great things from the results of the new system of education now in use in China.

Dr. Chew's address was greatly enjoyed by the Club members. Dr. Chew is the founder of the first Chinese newspaper in the United States, being first published in San Francisco over twenty-six years ago. He is also a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, where he received his Doctor's degree.

Chas. Dodge was the Chairman of the Day. There was an excellent musical entertainment given 6y the MisSes, Hamel and White.

President Rod Hendrickson presided over the business session. Chas. Bird of Stockton was present at the meeting ?gq -gaye an interesting talk on the passing of the $3,000; 000.00 Bond Issue in- the recent Stocktdn city election which will be used for the deep sea channel ionnectins Stockton with San Francisco B-ay, which will make thi City of -Stockton one of the world's sea ports. Mr. Bird stated-that 7l per cent of the total vote was cast, and the votes for the bond issue number ll,D2, with only 937 being cast against the bond issue.

Professor Emanual Fritz spoke on "American Forest Week." Vicegerent Snark J. Walter Kelly announced that the next Bay District Concat will be held-at San Francisco ol ryIaI 14, also that Snark of the lJniverse, James H. Allen of St. Louis, would be a San Francisco visitor during the early part of May.

R. A. Hiscox will be Chairman of the next meeting, and Ted Lerch will be Chairman of the last meeting in-iVlay.

Qolbeer & Carson Lumber Company

/ Opening Los Angeles Offices

y'fn. Southern California dealers will be interested to l know that Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Company is openinc a Los Angeles sales office, having appointed Mr.'R. El. Seward, favorably known to many of the Southern dealers, its representative in the Santa Barbara, Los Angeles and San Diego territories.

Mr. Seward has just returned to Los Angeles from the North, having spent the past two weeks at lhe Company,s mill at Eureka and main office at San Francisco. Dinnite location of Los Angeles office will be announced later.

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