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Reasons for Owning One's Own Home
To be accorded credence and acceptance by the public, individually or as a community, any proposition must be based on ir'refutable grounds. It must show definite proof of its value from the grounds of Morals, Health, Pleasure, Comfort, Finances, Civism.
To grve anything a true name, localize it and give it value.
"HOME" is defined as one's own dwelling place; the abiding place of the affections; a place of refuge and rest; where a thing or a person is usually found.
The idea of PERMANENCE thus 'expressed is impossible in a rented building whose occupancy is subject to the whim of the owner. This lack of permanence loosens the ties of'sentiment, weakens the belief in the refuge of home, inculcates the thought of unrest and transientness, and. takes away the primal meaning o{ HOME-the protection of the young of the family.
To own one's home insures permanence and instills in the young mind that idea of refuge and protection so vital to morals.
San Diego Hoo Hoo Have Delightful party
The San Diego Hoo Hoo District, under the able leadership of Vicegerent Snark Joe. Restine; held the first of a contemplated series of "ladies' evenings-" at the La Mesa Country Club, on the night of April 18th.'
About one hundred were in attendance, all of the pafticipants entering into the spirit of the "hard-times" parly, and wearing their oldest clothes, and many' of. the boys adding to the color somewhat by appearing on the floor in their u,ar-paint.
A splenJid entertainment rvas provided', and the orchestra provided rnusic for dancing, until midnight.
Opens Branch At San Bruno
The Fox-McNulty Lumber Company, of Redwood City, is opening a branch yard at San Bruno.
Robert Fox, son of E. B. Fox, will be in charge of the new plant.