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By_comp9lqnt man. position in some good city in South^rn Calif. Now employed as Manager i-n three'yard town, w_ith present employer 8 years as Manager. Married, age f5.Am capable and willing to earn good salary. Gooa bookkeeper. Will start in any capaciiy with right company. References. Available-Mav lst. Box A"-42. care California Lumber Merchant.
POSITION as salesman with Wholesale Lumber Company. Ten years'experience. Best of references. Address Box A-4O, care California Lumber Merchaht.
WANTED, by competent man, position in some good city in Southern California. Now employed as Maniger in a three-yard town, with present employer 8 years-as Manager. Married, age 35. - Am capable and willing to earn a good salary. Good bookkeeper. Will start in any capacity with right company. References. Available May lst. Address Box A-41 care California Lumber Merchanl.
RETAIL YARD for sale, excellent location on Suburban Boulevard, Los Angeles. Yard doing a good business and making a profit. $35,000 cash required. Address box A-38, care California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced Lumber Executive
Desires to invest $15,000 with services in sound business. Wide experience and excellent record stump to consumer. Address Box A-37, care California Lumber Merchant.
Young Lady Seeks Position
E_xperienced young woman stenographer wants position in Southern California. Have had years in lumbel work, and know Associational work thoroughly. Want position with opportunity to advance. Address box 30-F, care California Lumber Merchant.
Want To Share Office
T,os Angeles wholesaler wants to split office space with hardwood man, sash and door jobber or redwood representative. Splendid ofifice, good location, ideal parking facilities, and the expenses are reasonable. Address Box 28-F, care California Lumber Merchant.
Want Panel Salesman
WANTED: panel salesman for Southern California territory. Prefer one with personal acquaintance among the trade, but will interview any yorlng man possessing sales abilitv. Splendid opportunity for right man. Address box 29-F, care California Lumber Merchant.
sTATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP. MANAGEMENI. CIRCULATION. ETC., REQUIRED BY TITE'ACT OF CONG(.ESS OF -of rhe Catifornia publishcd scmi-moathty 11 Ins -AqS.g!es, California, for April l, 1925. 'Jtate ot Lalrtornra County of Los Angeles, ss.
Before me, a Notary Public in and for the 9tate and county aforesaid, personally appeared Phil B. Hbrt, who, having been duty swom accordrng to law, deposes and says that he is the Manaeinc Editor of the California Lumber Merchant Inc.. and that the followini ii. to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the -owicrshio. managem-ent _(and_ if a_ daily papgr, the circulation), etc., of the afori- sard publrcatlon lor the date shown in the above ceDtion. requircd by the Act of August U, 1912, embodied in section 443-. Po;tal Lawg and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this {orm. t6 wit: l. That the names and addresses of the publishcr.'cditor. manariac gdilor, 4nd business managers are: Publisherl J. C, Dionne. 308 Cen-tra'l Bldg., hs Angeles, Cal.; Editor, I, C. Dionhe. 308 Centrai Bldc.. Irs Ange_les, QaJ.; la4aging Editor, Plil B. Hart, 36 Central BldE., Ias Angeles, Qal.; Business Managers. None.
2. That the owner is: (li the publication is ouned bv en indi- vidual his name and address, or if owned by more than oni individual the name and address of each, should be given below: i{ the oublica- tion is owned by a corporation the name bf the corporation ;nd thc names and addresses of the stockholders owning or holilinc one Der cent or more of the total amount of stock should be given,) J.t. Dioine,308 Central Bldc.. Ins Anceles. Cal.
3. That -the known- boirdholders. mortsasees. and othcr securitv holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of tirtal amount of bonds. mortgages, or other securities are: (If there none. so state.) None.
4. That the two paragraphs next above, grvine- the names of tbc owners, stockholders. and security holders, if ani. contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as thev aooear uoon the books of the company but also, in cases where ihe-stockh6lder or security holder a,ppears upon the books of the company as trustea or in any other fiduciary relation,.the name of the person or corDora- tion for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also-that the said two paragraphs contain statements embricing-affiant's full knowledce and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockf,oldcrr and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the comDany as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that-of I bona fide ovrner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation has any .interest direct or indilect in the said stock, bmds, or other securities than as so stated bv him.
5. That the average number of copies of each issue of this oubli- cation sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise. to- oaid subscribers during the six months preceding the date shown'abovi is (This iaformation is required from daily publications only.) PHIL B. HART.- Manaciac Ediloi Sworn to and subscribed before me this 31st dav of MarEh- tgzS. (SEAL) EVELYN CAVENDER. (My commission expires March 31, 192d).
The Andersen factory sp:cializes in standard Vhite Pinc Frames. Andersen Doot Framee and Cellar Sash Frames are of the same high quality as Andersen lVindow Framcs.
Write for latcst information on Andersen Standard Frames, stating whether you are an architect, builder, dealer or prospective home owner.