1 minute read
Let Us Help You Realize the Ownership of This ldeal Home
.fr-ooo DLnN.lzzs'
Now, while competent labor-i-s available and ronably priced, ic the time to build.
Iwrtuoo Dnaru 4l(rrcnnt building materialr of dl kinde are rea-
Study both the exterior, jnterior and foor plan of thir charming home-;_it embodier many rmique featurer which add convenience and attractive'neu that you will want your i"* ho-" to contain, and we will welcome an opportunity of adviring you juet what the materialr will coet oi will arrange to have the home built complete ready for you to o""rrrrlj";l;:lions
T""Ot at a guaranteed Price.
(YOUR NAME HERE) of attractive homes featured in your paper will encaurage buililing anil attract pros' Newspaper cuts of homes featured in your service are available.